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AOI: Atmospheric Optical Image Enhancer

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'AOI' is an image processing application, mainly for enhancing photographs of atmosphric optical phenomena like halos. Dropping or pasting an image onto window and selecting a recipe, then please push the 'start' button to process the image. The result image can output to file or copy-and-paste to other applications.

> Download

AOI Window Snapshot 1 AOI Window Snapshot 2
- A circumscribed halo is easily distinguishable!
- We can also find a faint 46-degree halo!

Available Processes

autoBR / autoBR+U / autoBRv2 / autoBRv2+U / SCR (Sky-Color Regression) / SCR+U / B-R / B-R(+U) / B-G / B-G(+U) / autoRG / autoRG+U / autoRGv2 / autoRGv2+U / Unsharp Mask / UnsharpEX

original image autoBR Sky-Color Regression (SCR) SCR+U unsharpEX'ed
Original autoBR SCR SCR+U UnsharpEX
original image autoBR Sky-Color Regression (SCR) SCR+U unsharpEX'ed


(Tuned) B-R processing with automatic adjustment of the 'constant' parameter. The ratio parameters for R, G, B are pre-defined, which values exceed the value you can set on Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro. Approximately, it is "Blue channel minus Red channel" process. This process reduces contrast of clouds and enhance (colored) halos in a photo.

Sky-Color Regression (SCR)

Refined algorithm based on autoBR. The ratio parameters are automatically configured. More details are described in a preprint.


A newer version of autoBR. In this version, the 'constant' parameter is locally adjusted.


A variation of autoBR. Approximately, it is "Red channel minus Green channel" process. Try it for an image for which the 'autoBR' seem not to work well.


A newer version of autoRG. In this version, the 'constant' parameter is locally adjusted.

B - R

A normal B - R processing, but the 'constant' parameter is adjusted automatically.

B - G

A normal B - G processing (introduced in this page), but the 'constant' parameter is adjusted automatically.

*+U (*U)

UnsharpEX after autoBR/SCR/... . The target image will be shrinked

Unsharp Mask

Unsharp mask with bigger parameters (well-known method to enhance minute difference of halo colors and/or intensities). The weak point is that it also enhances edge of silhouettes of objects hiding the light source. The target image will be shrinked.


A revised unsharp mask to defeat the weak point, which is less sensitive for larger difference of colors and intensities. The target image will be shrinked.

Yuji Ayatsuka, "Revealing Halos Concealed by Cirrus Clouds" on Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp.3739-3750,
doi:10.5194/amt-17-3739-2024, 2024
[preprint version] doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-456, 2023

Download and Try AOI

AOI Version 0.5 beta1 (2024/12/27)
AOI_v0.5b1.zip (39,997,713 byte)

Some EXIF information can be displayed and automatically rotate image according to orientation information.

Extract the ZIP and invoke AOI.exe to go. Please read readme_EN.txt for more details.

Required Environments

  • Windows (64bit OS)
    • I've checked the application on Windows10/11. It will work on Windows 8 or earlier 64bit Windows.
    • If you have installed JDK (Java 8 or later) on your PC, the application can run without jre-desktop/.
    • The .exe file is made by applying exewrap to application written in Java.


  • This application is under development (as my hobby project) and this is a kind of beta version. Please try to process many images and report the result to the author will help the revision of the application.
  • You can upload/publish processed images freely to an SNS or other medias. (A mention like "processed by AOI/autoBR" "processed by AOI/SCR" "#AOI_SCR" "#AOI_autoBR" "#AOI_autoBRU" will make the author happier :-)
  • If you have some questions or comments, please contact via mail or Twitter (@ayatsuka_yuji).

Contact: aya@star.email.ne.jp.cut_off_here