An effort (ITC)

On September 3rd 1998, Sonia, a Brazilian researcher, made the first experiment for recording images. She avoided the use of a TV Tube according to the suggestion of a scientist. These are the equipments used:

I'd like to introduce two images by her around that time. These images were processed so that you can easily recognize what is in them.

Today, we can create these types of images by using image processing software. Also, it is totally impossible to shut out the effect of all the electromagnetic wave.So, I have to say it is impossible to judge if it is fake or not only by examining the images. For all cases, it will always count the seriousness and honesty of the operator.

She has been developed the paranormal communication since then. Sonia started recording 15 years ago with ordinary methods, but in the last 3 years, developed a technique to record directly in the PC via telephone, which substitute the microphone. This allows to record not only inside her room, but to put in the line any person located very distant. This way she put many parents who lost their sons/daughters in contact, as she says.

“So, lets say that the mother had already previously made an agenda with me that in the day "x" she will speak to her deceased daughter.I inform Beyond that in the "x" day we expect to have ... the girl "y" on the line. That day, the mother phone my house (so we have a terrestrian phonecall) and I live an extension opened to Beyond to participate of the conversation”.

Sounds ridiculous? If her consolation of the bereaved family is to swindle money out of them, there is nothing mysterious. She can make some mechanism to intervene in the phone conversation with the money. Also she can gather information of the family and arrange a person who imitates the dead person. However she does not take any payment by doing this phonecall. She does not sell any shady doubtful expensive items. Of course, you can still claim it should be a fake. But what for if it is a fake? Please think logically. Is Sonia special rich person and time hangs heavy on her hands? The answer is no.

In 2003, Sonia started to record "paranormal videos". Let me show you three old frames from such video.

These samples were recorded with using a broken black and white TV. However I have to say she keeps changing all the settings week by week, as per the results develop. The first two frames seem to be a strange big face of a lady include a whole body of another small lady. The second sample apparently could be read as "VE" with its mirror image. That day Sonia asked mentally if her invisible friends who supposed to live in the afterlife would be able to write in the TV screen. "VE" is a short word for "veja" which means "see" in her native language Portuguese.

Anyway, whatever the content is, you agree that the frame is a kind of picture. Today, the hardware and software needed to edit a video are not so expensive. However it is very difficult to make a fake video in real time in front of persons participating of the experiences - usually parents who lost their son-daughters. Any person present in the room will see the images coming in the PC while being recorded. It happened already of the family to recognize the deceased son in the screen - and start crying and speaking directly to him.

Maybe, only one possible explanation for you to explain her experiments is to say Sonia is a liar. I personally believe the real paranormal phenomena occur in her laboratory judging from the personality and humanity of Sonia and her co-researchers.

Presently it is running a triangle common task among: Brazil, France and Italy. There is an effort to authenticate ITC-samples. I am sure Sonia would appreciate to share a research with you if you are an open-minded technical engineer without any prejudice.

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