Subject: Congruent numbers
    Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 11:39:04 +0000
    From: Allan MacLeod


I finally got organised enough to get together this mail.
There are 3 separate components:

(a) A further list of solutions. These give N, and the numerator
and denominator of ONE side of the right-angled triangle of area N.
Thus the only values under 500 left are 367 and 373. Computations
with the L-series of the elliptic curve suggest they both will
have about 45-55 digits in the solution, but I'm working on them.

(b) The Latex2e file for a description of the 4-descent method.
I have been extending this method to an 8-descent, but I have not
yet written this up. The 8-descent generated most of the larger
solutions I have sent.

(c) A UBASIC file to do the 4-descent. It is set up for the
congruent number elliptic curve, but can be used for any curve
of the form  y^2 = x ( x^2 + A x + B ). All you do is change
lines 110 and 120, and define a different set of torsion points
in 200-220. It is possible for the descent method to find a known
torsion point so the program rejects these - assuming the correct
values have been given. NTOR is the number of DISTINCT x-values
giving torsion points, not the total number of torsion points.
Please note that the code outputs results in blocks of 4-digits
but UBASIC does not include leading zeros, so 123 should be read
as 0123, and 45 as 0045, and so on.

If you have any problems with the code please contact me.


Results with leading zeros inserted manually

N =  302
NUM= 3222  2699  3797  7270  9043
DEN=  651  2555  7288  7396  9390

N =  358
NUM= 1  1495  8231  9978  8309
DEN=     448  0287  0612  8675

N =  446
NUM= 2926  1625  4502  0512
DEN=  188  2156  1327  6049

N =  461
NUM= 35  4245  8984  9428  7468  7926  3101
DEN=  1  9986  6684  4073  6116  9045  4150

N =  478
NUM= 38  9304  0879  5252  2553  1965  4000
DEN=  7  4978  2399  6743  8022  9625  4569

N =  502
NUM= 302  9541  8177  4340
DEN=  21  8061  8794  2363

N =  542
NUM= 202  5303  8190  7827  1177  0377  6560
DEN=   8  1428  1712  5003  0879  6745  0503

N =  566
NUM= 6  3472  4216  3764
DEN= 1  1567  9795  0661

N =  573
NUM= 73  1041  7244  9217  3487
DEN=  3  4633  3902  3546  6360

N =  597
NUM= 2  2346  2941  9695  0994  9337
DEN=     929  4420  8391  2610  3590

N =  613
NUM= 84  4763  3466  8325  7932  2518  6681  0020
DEN= 13  4241  0851  0489  8238  0780  2413  9997

N =  614
NUM= 11  2157  3825  6258  2251
DEN=     3429  2682  8998  1509

N =  623
NUM= 582  6343  8089  5689  6576
DEN=  36  8607  9972  4308  8375

N =  631
NUM= 2  2846  9608  8751  5232  2597  6894  1083
DEN=    7092  1720  7605  9524  0258  4250  2860

N =  661
NUM= 37  1925  6188  2781  4761  0879  7023  9363
DEN=  7  0314  5782  5766  9676  2277  1438  8190

N =  662
NUM= 477  2458  5785  9600  0046  5937
DEN=  24  2705  4669  7268  1246  2015

N =  685
NUM= 1981  9227  6722  9340
DEN=  100  3896  8550  8003

N =  717
NUM= 169  4663  6219  4960
DEN= 349  4898  5679  4871

N =  766
NUM= 36  0680  4383  4916  0272
DEN=  3  5335  6948  0956  2929

N =  773
NUM= 3478  0904  7047  5122  8519  0874  5980  3540
DEN=   90  6544  1731  4969  3914  3615  2596  9763

N =  878
NUM= 32  1083  2481  3901
DEN=  3  3714  4829  3270

N =  893
NUM= 15  5732  2789  2649  5436
DEN=  1  4429  4881  2221  8085

N =  917
NUM= 6  5979  5110  7197  5972
DEN=    2305  6284  1217  1265

N =  926
NUM= 5  4778  4812  8494  0868  1737  5197  5728
DEN=    4014  2816  3974  8811  4352  4809  4809

N =  933
NUM= 14  9556  8797  6751  4191  8679  6773
DEN=     5684  2573  4010  4853  4094  7100

N =  941
NUM= 5639  4866  5024  8149  9426  5529  7021
DEN= 1475  7347  8114  3394  3670  3517  4410

N =  965
NUM= 1953  2964  9309  0138  2740
DEN=  136  6639  8835  9937  4483

N =  974
NUM= 1  7412  1182  7075  3276  1341  4072
DEN=    1325  2392  3110  3802  0930  3837

N =  991
NUM= 1  8494  5993  7818  8935  0214  4063
DEN=    1324  4708  4668  7755  9474  8680

-----------------------------  Latex2e file ----------------------------



The following set of formulae describe the algebra necessary to perform
a general four-descent procedure for the elliptic curve
%eqn 1
y^2 = x^3 + a x^2 + b x
so the curve is assumed to have at least one point of order 2.

We can assume without loss of generality that $x = du^2/v^2$ and $y=duw/v^3$,
with $d$ squarefree and $(d,v)=1$, giving
%eqn 2
d^2 w^2 = d^3 u^4 + d^2 a u^2 v^2 + d b v^4
which implies that $d|b$, so that $b=de$. There are thus a finite set of
possible values for d, which we can work out easily from the factors of
$b$, unless $b$ is very large and difficult to factor. Remember that $d$
can be negative.

We consider first the simpler quadratic
%eqn 3
h^2 = d f^2 + a f g + e g^2
and look for a solution $(h_0,f_0,g_0)$ either by searching or by more
advanced methods. We assume $g_0 \ne 0$.

If we find a solution, we can parameterise as follows. Define $x=f/g$ and
$y=h/g$, so that the equation is
y^2=d x^2+a x+e
then the line through $(x_0,y_0)=(f_0/g_0,h_0/g_0)$, with gradient $m$,
meets the curve again where
%eqn 4
x=\frac{a + d x_0 + m (m x_0 - 2 y_0)}{m^2-d}

Assuming $m=p/q$ is rational, we simplify this to
%eqn 5
\frac{a g_0 q^2 + d f_0 q^2 + p (f_0 p - 2 h_0 q)}{g_0 (p^2 - d q^2)}

To solve our original problem we look for values of the parameters
giving $f/g=u^2/v^2$, which leads to the two quadratics
%eqn 6
k u^2 = g_0 p^2 - g_0 d q^2
%eqn 7
k v^2 = f_0 p^2 - 2 h_0 p q + (a g_0 + d f_0)q^2
with $k$ squarefree.

The possible values of $k$ are those which divide the resultant of the
two quadratics, which means that $k$ must divide the determinant

g_0&0&-d g_0&0 \\
0&g_0&0&-d g_0 \\
f_0&-2 h_0&a g_0+d f_0&0 \\
0&f_0&-2 h_0&a g_0 + d f_0
which reduces to $g_0^4(a^2-4b)$. Let $k_0$ be a squarefree divisor (possibly

We search the first of these quadratics to find a solution $(u_0,p_0,q_0)$.
If we find one, we can perform another simple line-quadratic intersection
analysis to characterise the solutions to the first quadratic as
%eqn 8
p = 2 u_0 k_0 r s - p_0 (g_0 s^2 + k_0 r^2)
%eqn 9
q = q_0 ( g_0 s^2 - k_0 r^2)

Substitute these into $k_0 * (7)$ gives the quartic
%eqn 10
z^2 = z_1 r^4 + z_2 r^3 s + z_3 r^2 s^2 + z_4 r s^3 + z_5 s^4
%eqn 11
z_1 = k_0^3 (a g_0 q_0^2 + d f_0 q_0^2 + f_0 p_0^2 - 2 h_0 p_0 q_0)
z_2 = 4 u_0 k_0^3 (h_0 q_0 - f_0 p_0)
%eqn 13
z_3 = 2 k_0^2 (f_0 (2 u_0^2 k_0 - d g_0 q_0^2 + g_0 p_0^2) -
 a g_0^2 q_0^2)
%eqn 14
z_4 = -(4 u_0 g_0 k_0^2 (f_0 p_0 + h_0 q_0))
%eqn 15
z_5 = g_0^2 k_0 (a g_0 q_0^2 + d f_0 q_0^2 + f_0 p_0^2 + 2 h_0 p_0 q_0)

The above formulae form the basis of a simple code written by the author
in UBASIC. This system is fast, simple, free, and runs on a multitude of PC's,
old and new. The major advantage, however, is that large numbers can be dealt
with by one single statement at the start of the program - the rest of the
code is standard Basic.

The basic structure of the algorithm is

find divisors d of b

for s1 = s1a to s1b

\hspace{2em}test if $h^2=df^2+afg+eg^2$ soluble with $|f|+|g|=s1$

\hspace{2em}if $(d,h_0,f_0,g_0)$ a solution then

\hspace{4em}find divisors k of $g_0(a^2-4b)$

\hspace{4em}for s2 =2 to s2b

\hspace{6em}test if $k u^2 = g_0 p^2 - g_0 d q^2$ with $|p|+|q|=s2$

\hspace{6em}if $(k,u_0,p_0,q_0)$ a solution, then

\hspace{8em}form quartic equation from equations (10) to (15)

\hspace{8em}for s3=2 to s3b

\hspace{10em}test if quartic is square for $|r|+|s|=s3$

\hspace{10em}if it is, determine point on curve, and stop

\hspace{8em}next s3

\hspace{4em}next s2

next s1


We now make some comments on this method, culled from extensive practical

If the curve has a rational point of moderate height, the above search-based
procedure works very well. We have found the method to be effective for points
with height of up to about 15 (in the Silverman height normalisation), if we
select s2b=99 and s3b=199. It is impossible to predict in advance the best
choice of s1a and s1b.

For larger heights, the quartic search needs a larger value of s3b and
can take a considerable time. In many
cases, the quartic is insoluble so searching is futile. Cremona describes
how to test this, and we have implemented this test as a precursor to
searching. This method is probably the most advanced mathematically
in the whole procedure.

Cremona also describes various methods for searching the quartic
which reduce the time taken. We have chosen NOT to implement these, partly
to keep the code reasonably understandable by amateurs, and partly because
UBASIC has restrictions on the number of variables.

For investigating families of curves where $a$ and $b$ are functions of $n$,
we found the simple search for $(h_0,f_0,g_0)$ could fail to find any
solutions in the specified range. In such a case we can adapt the search as
follows. If
h^2 = d f^2 +a f g + b g^2 / d
d(2h)^2 = ( 2df+ ag)^2 - (a^2-4b)g^2
and if we factor $a^2-4b = \alpha \beta^2$ with $\alpha$ squarefree,
%eqn 16
dH^2 = F^2 - \alpha G^2
with $F = 2df+ag , \; G=\beta g, \; H = 2h$. We can recover integer solutions
to the original equations as $f_0=\beta F_0 - a G_0 , \; g_0 = 2 d G_0, \;
h_0 = d \beta H_0$.

In equation (6), it is clear that $(\pm u_0,\pm p_0, \pm q_0)$ satisfy the
equation. We do not, however, need to consider all 8 possible combinations of
sign. From (11) to (15), the sign of $u_0$ is irrelevant if we allow
negative values of r or s. Similarly, $-p_0$ and $-q_0$ lead to the same
quartic as $p_0$ and $q_0$, and the other two possible combinations give
the same quartic. Thus there are only two essentially different quartics,
and it is easy to show the relationship between them implies that they are
both soluble or both insoluble. It is worthwhile to search both (if soluble),
as the coefficients are different so the fixed search range might give a
solution for one but not the other.

At several points in our code, we need to factor numbers to find divisors.
This is done by an extremely simple-minded search procedure, without recourse
to any modern factorisation techniques. So far, this has not had a severe
effect on the performance of the code, but one could easily devise an
elliptic curve where the factorisation time was dominant. The current code
has the advantage that is is short.

Finally, users should note that the code could easily find a torsion point
of the curve, and not a point of infinite order. Since the latter is
usually wanted, the code checks that the point found is not a torsion
point from a list of x-values provided by the user.


-------------------------  UBASIC CODE ------------------------------

    1   word 40
   10   data 2,9999
   11   data 199
   12   data 399
   20   Facsize=128
   50   dim Dval(Facsize),Kval(Facsize)
   55   dim Fac1(20),Fac2(20),Wait(20,10)
   60   dim Z0(5),Tor(9)
   70   dim Badp(10),Ibin(20),Pro%(50)
  100   input N
  110   A=0
  120   B=-N*N
  130   Ab=A*A-4*B
  200   Ntor=3
  210   Tor(1)=0
  211   Tor(2)=-N
  212   Tor(3)=N
  500   read Ser1a:read Ser1b:read Ser2b:read Ser3b
  600   Numd=2:Dval(1)=1:Dval(2)=-1
  610   if abs(B)=1 then goto 1000
  615   E=abs(B)
  620   gosub *Factor(E,&Fac1())
  630   gosub *Divisors(Fac1(),&Dval())
  640   Numd=Dval(0)
 1000   for Ser1=Ser1a to Ser1b
 1002   print Ser1;
 1005   for Af=1 to Ser1-1
 1010   G0=Ser1-Af
 1015   if gcd(Af,G0)>1 then goto 9890
 1020   G02=G0*G0
 1025   for F0=-Af to Af step (2*Af)
 1030   F02=F0*F0:Fg0=F0*G0
 1035   for Id=1 to Numd
 1040   D=Dval(Id):E=B\D
 1045   Ib1=D*F02+A*Fg0+E*G02
 1050   if Ib1<=0 then goto 9870
 1055   H0=isqrt(Ib1)
 1060   if res>0 then goto 9870
 1070   print:print "a:";D,H0,F0,G0
 1100   Resl=abs(G0*Ab)
 1105   gosub *Factor(Resl,&Fac1())
 1110   gosub *Divisors(Fac1(),&Kval())
 1120   Numk=Kval(0)
 1200   for Ser2=2 to Ser2b
 1210   for P0=1 to Ser2-1
 1220   Q0=Ser2-P0
 1225   if gcd(P0,Q0)>1 then goto 9780
 1230   for Ik=1 to Numk
 1235   Ib1=G0*(P0*P0-D*Q0*Q0)
 1240   K0=Kval(Ik)
 1245   Ib2=Ib1\K0
 1250   if res>0 then goto 9770
 1255   if Ib2<=0 then goto 9770
 1260   U0=isqrt(Ib2)
 1270   if res>0 then goto 9770
 1280   print "  b:";K0,U0,P0,Q0
 1300   Z0(1)=K0^3*(A*G0*Q0^2+D*F0*Q0^2+F0*P0^2-2*H0*P0*Q0)
 1305   Z0(2)=4*U0*K0^3*(H0*Q0-F0*P0)
 1310   Z0(3)=2*K0^2*(F0*(2*U0^2*K0-D*G0*Q0^2+G0*P0^2)-A*G0^2*Q0^2)
 1315   Z0(4)=-4*U0*G0*K0^2*(F0*P0+H0*Q0)
 1320   Z0(5)=G0^2*K0*(A*G0*Q0^2+D*F0*Q0^2+F0*P0^2+2*H0*P0*Q0)
 1325   Ib1=gcd(Z0(1),Z0(2)):Ib2=gcd(Ib1,Z0(3))
 1330   Ib3=gcd(Ib2,Z0(4)):Ib4=gcd(Ib3,Z0(5))
 1335   if Ib4=1 then goto 1400
 1340   Ib1=1
 1350   gosub *Factor(Ib4,&Fac1())
 1355   for I=1 to Fac1(0)
 1360   Ib2=Fac1(I+I)\2
 1365   Ib1=Ib1*(Fac1(I+I-1)^Ib2)
 1370   next I
 1380   for I=1 to 5
 1385   Z0(I)=Z0(I)\(Ib1*Ib1)
 1390   next I
 1400   gosub *Testsol(Z0(),&Is1)
 1410   if Is1=1 then goto 9770
 1420   for Iq0=1 to 2
 1430   if Iq0=1 then goto 1500
 1435   Q0=-Q0
 1450   Z0(1)=K0^3*(A*G0*Q0^2+D*F0*Q0^2+F0*P0^2-2*H0*P0*Q0)
 1455   Z0(2)=4*U0*K0^3*(H0*Q0-F0*P0)
 1460   Z0(3)=2*K0^2*(F0*(2*U0^2*K0-D*G0*Q0^2+G0*P0^2)-A*G0^2*Q0^2)
 1465   Z0(4)=-4*U0*G0*K0^2*(F0*P0+H0*Q0)
 1470   Z0(5)=G0^2*K0*(A*G0*Q0^2+D*F0*Q0^2+F0*P0^2+2*H0*P0*Q0)
 1500   for Ser3=2 to Ser3b
 1510   for R=1 to Ser3-1
 1515   S=Ser3-R
 1520   if gcd(R,S)>1 then goto 9670
 1530   Ib1=R*R:Ib2=R*S:Ib3=S*S
 1540   Ic1=Ib1*(Z0(1)*Ib1+Z0(3)*Ib3)+Z0(5)*Ib3*Ib3
 1545   Ic2=Ib2*(Z0(2)*Ib1+Z0(4)*Ib3)
 1550   Id1=Ic1+Ic2
 1555   if Id1<=0 then goto 1600
 1560   Id2=isqrt(Id1)
 1570   if res>0 then goto 1600
 1575   print "      c:";R;S
 1580   gosub *Testpt(&Indpt)
 1590   if Indpt=1 then goto 6000
 1600   Id1=Ic1-Ic2
 1610   if Id1<=0 then goto 9670
 1620   Id2=isqrt(Id1)
 1630   if res>0 then goto 9670
 1640   S=-S
 1645   print "      c:";R;S
 1650   gosub *Testpt(&Indpt)
 1660   if Indpt=0 then goto 9670
 6000   print:print
 6010   print "SOLUTION FOUND"
 6015   print:print "N = ";N
 6020   print:print "d = ";D
 6025   print
 6030   print "u = ";:gosub *Prout(U)
 6035   print:print
 6040   print "v = ";:gosub *Prout(V)
 6045   print:print
 6050   print "w = ";:gosub *Prout(W)
 6055   print:print
 6060   X=D*U^2//V^2:Y=D*U*W//V^3
 6065   Ib1=num(X):Ib2=den(X)
 6070   print "x = ";:gosub *Prout(Ib1)
 6075   print:print "over"
 6080   print "    ";:gosub *Prout(Ib2)
 6085   print
 6090   Ib1=num(Y):Ib2=den(Y)
 6092   print
 6095   print "y = ";:gosub *Prout(Ib1)
 6100   print:print "over"
 6105   print "    ";:gosub *Prout(Ib2)
 6110   print
 6115   print:print
 6199   stop
 9670   next R
 9680   next Ser3
 9690   next Iq0
 9770   next Ik
 9780   next P0
 9790   next Ser2
 9870   next Id
 9880   next F0
 9890   next Af
 9900   next Ser1
 9999   end
11000   *Testpt(&Indp)
11005   Indp=0
11010   Ie1=Q0*(G0*S^2-K0*R^2)
11015   if Ie1=0 then goto 11199
11020   Ie2=2*U0*K0*R*S-P0*(G0*S^2+K0*R^2)
11025   Ie3=Ie2//Ie1
11030   Ie1=num(Ie3):Ie2=den(Ie3)
11050   Ie3=A*G0*Ie2^2+D*F0*Ie2^2+Ie1*(F0*Ie1-2*H0*Ie2)
11055   Ie4=G0*(Ie1^2-D*Ie2^2)
11060   if Ie4=0 then goto 11199
11070   Ie5=Ie3//Ie4
11075   Ie1=num(Ie5):Ie2=den(Ie5)
11080   if Ie1<=0 then goto 11199
11085   Ie3=isqrt(Ie1)
11090   if res>0 then goto 11199
11100   Ie4=isqrt(Ie2)
11105   if res>0 then goto 11199
11110   Ie5=D*Ie1^2+A*Ie1*Ie2+E*Ie2^2
11115   if Ie5<=0 then goto 11199
11120   Ie6=isqrt(Ie5)
11125   if res>0 then goto 11199
11130   Ie1=D*Ie3^2//(Ie4^2):Ie2=0
11135   for Id1=1 to Ntor
11140   if Ie1=Tor(Id1) then Ie2=1
11145   next Id1
11150   if Ie2=1 then goto 11199
11160   Ie2=D*Ie3*Ie6//(Ie4^3)
11170   Id1=Ie2*Ie2-Ie1*(Ie1*Ie1+A*Ie1+B)
11175   if Id1<>0 then goto 11199
11180   Indp=1
11190   U=Ie3:V=Ie4:W=Ie6
11199   return
12000   *Prout(Nn)
12010   N9=abs(Nn)
12015   if Nn<0 then print " - ";
12020   Nd9%=0
12030   N91=N9\10000:N92=res
12040   inc Nd9%
12050   Pro%(Nd9%)=N92
12060   if N91=0 then goto 12100
12070   N9=N91
12080   goto 12030
12100   for I9%=Nd9% to 1 step -1
12110   print Pro%(I9%);
12120   next I9%
12199   return
13000   *Divisors(F1(),&F2())
13005   Ib1=F1(0)
13010   F2(0)=2:F2(1)=1:F2(2)=-1
13015   Ib2=2^(Ib1+1)
13020   if Ib1>1 then goto 13100
13025   if F1(1)=1 then goto 13199
13030   F2(0)=4:F2(3)=F1(1):F2(4)=-F2(3)
13035   goto 13199
13100   for Ic1=1 to Ib1:Ibin(Ic1)=0:next Ic1
13105   Ibin(1)=1
13110   if Ib2>Facsize then Ib2=Facsize
13115   for Ic2=3 to Ib2 step 2
13120   Id1=1
13125   for Id2=1 to Ib1
13130   Id1=Id1*(F1(Id2+Id2-1)^Ibin(Id2))
13135   next Id2
13140   F2(Ic2)=Id1:F2(Ic2+1)=-Id1
13145   Id1=1
13150   for Id2=1 to Ib1
13155   Id3=Ibin(Id2)+Id1
13160   if Id3=2 then goto 13175
13165   Ibin(Id2)=1
13170   cancel for:goto 13190
13175   Ibin(Id2)=0
13180   next Id2
13190   next Ic2
13195   F2(0)=Ib2
13199   return
14000   *Testsol(Z(),&Inn)
14005   Inn=0
14010   Bi=12*Z(1)*Z(5)-3*Z(2)*Z(4)+Z(3)*Z(3)
14015   Bj=72*Z(1)*Z(3)*Z(5)+9*Z(2)*Z(3)*Z(4)
14020   Bj=Bj-27*Z(1)*Z(4)*Z(4)-27*Z(5)*Z(2)*Z(2)-2*Z(3)*Z(3)*Z(3)
14025   Delta=4*Bi*Bi*Bi-Bj*Bj
14030   Ia1=abs(Delta):gosub *Factor(Ia1,&Fac1())
14035   Nbadp=Fac1(0)
14040   for I=1 to Nbadp
14045   Badp(I)=Fac1(I+I-1)
14050   next I
14060   for Ip=1 to Nbadp
14065   Ip1=Badp(Ip)
14070   gosub *Qpsol(Z(1),Z(2),Z(3),Z(4),Z(5),Ip1,&Qeq)
14075   if Qeq=1 then goto 14099
14080   Inn=1
14090   cancel for:goto 14199
14099   next Ip
14199   return
14300   *Qpsol(A,B,C,D,E,P,&Resq)
14310   gosub *Zpsol(A,B,C,D,E,P,&Resq)
14320   if Resq=1 then goto 14349
14330   gosub *Zpsol(E,D,C,B,A,P,&Resq)
14349   return
14400   *Zpsol(A,B,C,D,E,P,&Resz)
14402   Ib2=0
14404   Ib3=0:Ib4=1:Ib5=0:Ib6=1
14410   Xx=Ib3+Ib5*Ib6
14420   if P=2 then Ib1=fnLemma7(A,B,C,D,E,Ib4,Xx)
14422   if P>2 then Ib1=fnLemma6(A,B,C,D,E,P,Ib4,Xx)
14430   if Ib1<1 then goto 14440
14432   Resz=1:goto *Zpend
14440   if Ib1=0 then goto 14460
14442   Ib5=Ib5+1
14444   if Ib5<P then goto 14410
14445   if Ib2>0 then goto 14450
14447   Resz=0:goto *Zpend
14450   Ib3=Wait(Ib2,1):Ib4=Wait(Ib2,2):Ib5=Wait(Ib2,3):Ib6=Wait(Ib2,4)
14452   dec Ib2
14454   goto 14410
14460   if Ib5<(P-1) then goto 14470
14462   goto 14480
14470   inc Ib2
14472   Wait(Ib2,1)=Ib3:Wait(Ib2,2)=Ib4:Wait(Ib2,3)=Ib5+1:Wait(Ib2,4)=Ib6
14480   inc Ib4:Ib5=0:Ib6=P*Ib6
14482   goto 14410
14499   *Zpend:return
14700   fnLemma6(A,B,C,D,E,P,N,X)
14702   Ic1=(((A*X+B)*X+C)*X+D)*X+E
14704   Ic2=fnPadsq(Ic1,P)
14706   if Ic2=0 then goto 14710
14708   Resl=1:goto *Lem6end
14710   Ic3=((4*A*X+3*B)*X+2*C)*X+D
14712   Ic4=fnOrdp(Ic1,P)
14714   Ic5=fnOrdp(Ic3,P)
14720   if Ic4<(Ic5+N) then goto 14730
14722   if N<=Ic5 then goto 14730
14724   Resl=1:goto *Lem6end
14730   if Ic4<(2*N) then goto 14740
14732   if Ic5<N then goto 14740
14734   Resl=0:goto *Lem6end
14740   Resl=-1
14749   *Lem6end:return(Resl)
14800   fnLemma7(A,B,C,D,E,N,X)
14801   P2=2
14802   Ic1=(((A*X+B)*X+C)*X+D)*X+E
14804   Ic2=fnPadsq(Ic1,P2)
14806   if Ic2=0 then goto 14810
14808   Resl=1:goto *Lem7end
14810   Ic3=((4*A*X+3*B)*X+2*C)*X+D
14812   Ic4=fnOrdp(Ic1,P2)
14814   Ic5=fnOrdp(Ic3,P2)
14816   Ic6=Ic1
14820   if odd(Ic6)=1 then goto 14830
14822   Ic6=Ic6\2
14824   goto 14820
14830   Ic7=Ic6\4:Ic6=res
14832   if Ic4<(Ic5+N) then goto 14840
14834   if N<=Ic5 then goto 14840
14836   Resl=1:goto *Lem7end
14840   if N<=Ic5 then goto 14850
14842   if Ic4<>(Ic5+N-1) then goto 14850
14844   if odd(Ic4)=1 then goto 14850
14846   Resl=1:goto *Lem7end
14850   if N<=Ic5 then goto 14860
14852   if Ic4<>(Ic5+N-2) then goto 14860
14854   if Ic6<>1 then goto 14860
14856   Resl=1:goto *Lem7end
14860   if Ic5<N then goto 14870
14862   if Ic4<(N+N) then goto 14870
14864   Resl=0:goto *Lem7end
14870   if Ic5<N then goto 14880
14872   if Ic4<>(N+N-2) then goto 14880
14874   Resl=0:goto *Lem7end
14880   Resl=-1
14899   *Lem7end:return(Resl)
14900   fnPadsq(A,P)
14902   if A<>0 then jump
14904   Resl=1:goto *Padend
14910   **:Id1=fnOrdp(A,P)
14912   if odd(Id1)=0 then jump
14914   Resl=0:goto *Padend
14920   **:Id2=A\(P^Id1)
14922   if P>2 then goto 14940
14924   Id1=Id2\8:Id2=res
14926   Resl=0
14928   if Id2=1 then Resl=1
14930   goto *Padend
14940   Resl=0
14942   if kro(Id2,P)=1 then Resl=1
14949   *Padend:return(Resl)
19000   fnRabmil(N)
19005   ' rabin-miller test for n prime
19010   ' Result=0 Composite     Result=1 Prime
19020   Ie2=even(N):Ie1=1
19025   if Ie2=0 jump
19030   Ie1=0:if N=2 then Ie1=1
19032   goto *Finrm
19035   **:if N=1 goto *Finrm
19040   Ie3=N-1:Ie4=0:Ie2=0
19045   while Ie2=0
19050   Ie6=Ie3\2:Ie2=res
19055   Ie3=Ie6:inc Ie4
19060   wend
19065   Ie3=Ie3+Ie3+1:dec Ie4
19070   randomize
19075   for Ie7=1 to 20
19080   Ie6=int((N-2)*rnd+2):Ie2=0
19085   Ie5=modpow(Ie6,Ie3,N)
19090   if Ie5=1 jump
19095   Ie8=modpow(Ie5,1,N)
19100   while and{Ie8>1,Ie8<N-1,Ie2<=Ie4-2}
19105   Ie5=modpow(Ie5,2,N):inc Ie2
19107   Ie8=modpow(Ie5,1,N)
19110   wend
19115   if Ie5=N-1 jump
19117   Ie1=0
19120   cancel for
19125   goto *Finrm
19130   **:next Ie7
19140   Ie1=1
19150   *Finrm:return(Ie1)
19200   *Factor(N,&Fac())
19205   ' factors n - very simple search procedure
19210   ' fac(0)=no. of factors
19215   '  n = fac(1)^fac(2)*fac(3)^fac(4)*.....
19220   if N>1 goto 19240
19225   Fac(0)=1:Fac(1)=1:Fac(2)=1
19230   goto *Finfac
19240   Id6=fnRabmil(N)
19245   if Id6=0 goto 19260
19250   Fac(0)=1:Fac(1)=N:Fac(2)=1
19255   goto *Finfac
19260   Id5=0
19265   for Id1=1 to 1000000
19267   if Id1>12251 goto 19273
19270   Id2=prm(Id1)
19271   goto 19275
19273   Id2=Id2+2
19275   Id3=N\Id2:Id4=res
19280   if Id4>0 goto *Nxfac2
19285   Id5=Id5+1:Fac(0)=Id5
19290   Fac(Id5+Id5-1)=Id2:Fac(Id5+Id5)=1
19295   N=Id3
19300   Id3=N\Id2:Id4=res
19305   if Id4>0 goto *Nxfac1
19310   Fac(Id5+Id5)=Fac(Id5+Id5)+1:N=Id3
19315   if N>1 goto 19300
19320   cancel for
19325   goto *Finfac
19330   *Nxfac1:Id6=fnRabmil(N)
19332   if Id6=0 goto *Nxfac2
19334   Id5=Id5+1:Fac(0)=Id5
19336   Fac(Id5+Id5-1)=N:Fac(Id5+Id5)=1
19337   cancel for
19338   goto *Finfac
19340   *Nxfac2:next Id1
19349   *Finfac:return
19350   fnOrdp(N,P)
19352   ' finds order of p in N
19354   if abs(N)>1 then goto 19360
19356   Ie2=0
19358   if N=0 then Ie2=123456789
19359   goto 19399
19360   Ie1=abs(N):Ie2=0
19365   Ie3=Ie1\P
19370   if res>0 then jump
19375   Ie2=Ie2+1:Ie1=Ie3
19380   goto 19365
19399   **:return(Ie2)
19800   fnMods(N,P)
19805   ' finds symmetric residue mod p
19815   Id1=N\P:Id2=res
19820   Id1=P\2
19825   if Id2>Id1 then Id2=Id2-P
19830   return(Id2)

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Hisanori Mishima