種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0-19-353016-3 | A1701 | 1976 | English |
1 | O thou the central orb Music:Charles Wood |
2 | Puer natus Music:Alun Hoddinott |
3 | On this day earth shall ring Music:H.C. Stewart |
4 | Lord, thou hast told us Music:Arnold Bax |
5 | A Litany Music:William Walton |
6 | Christ the Lord is risen again Music:John Rutter |
7 | Lift up your heads op.44-2 Music:Francis Jackson |
8 | O clap your hands Music:John Rutter |
9 | A pure river of water of life Music:Alan Ridout |
10 | A hymn to the Trinity Music:Kenneth Leighton |
11 | We wait for thy loving kindness Music:William McKie |
12 | Set me as a seal Music:William Walton |
13 | O taste and see Music:Ralph Vaughan-Williams |
14 | Let all mortal flesh keep silence Music:Edward Bairstow |
15 | Thou, o God, art praised in Sion Music:Ian Hare |
16 | Faire is the heaven Music:William Harris |
17 | Give us the wings of faith Music:Ernest Bullock |
18 | Make a joyful noise (Jubilate Deo) op.26-2 Music:William Mathias |
19 | O be joyful in the Lord (Jubilate Deo) Music:Benjamin Britten |
20 | O how amiable Music:Ralph Vaughan-Williams |
21 | Like as the hart Music:Herbert Howells |
22 | Jesu dulcis memoria Music:Paul Drayton |
23 | A prayer for peace Music:David Lord |
24 | Greater love hath no man Music:John Ireland |
25 | Turn back, O man Music:Gustav Holst |
26 | O clap your hands Music:Ralph Vaughan-Williams |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0-19-343664-7 | A0819 | 1978(1984) | English |
1 | All creatures now Music:John Bennet |
2 | Adieu, sweet Amaryllis Music:John Wilbye |
3 | Adieu, ye city-prisoning towers Music:Thomas Tomkins |
4 | Ah, dear heart Music:Orlando Gibbons |
5 | April is in my mistress' face Music:Thomas Morley |
6 | As Vesta was Music:Thomas Weelkes |
7 | Come away, sweet love Music:Thomas Greaves |
8 | Come, gentle swains Music:Michael Cavendish |
9 | Come, sable night Music:John Ward |
10 | Consture my meaning Music:Giles Farnaby |
11 | Come, sirrah Jack, ho! Music:Thomas Weelkes |
12 | Danity fine bird Music:Orlando Gibbons |
13 | Draw on, sweet night Music:John Wilbye |
14 | Fair nymphs, I heard one telling Music:John Farmer |
15 | Flora gave me fairest flowers Music:John Wilbye |
16 | Fair Phyllis I saw Music:John Farmer |
17 | Fyre, fyre! My heart Music:Thomas Morley |
18 | Hard by a crystal foutain Music:Thomas Morley |
19 | Hark, all ye lovely saints Music:Thomas Weelkes |
20 | Lady, when I behold Music:John Wilbye |
21 | I love, alas, I love thee Music:Thomas Morley |
22 | Leave, alas, this tormenting Music:Thomas Morley |
23 | Lullaby, my sweet little baby Music:William Byrd |
24 | Mother, I will have a husband Music:Thomas Vautor |
25 | Music divine Music:Thomas Tomkins |
26 | My bonny lass she smilth Music:Thomas Morley |
27 | Now is the month of maying Music:Thomas Morley |
28 | O case, thou wilt despatch me Music:Thomas Weelkes |
29 | Hence, care, thou art too cruel Music:Thomas Weelkes |
30 | Out from the vale Music:John Ward |
31 | O what shall I do? Music:John Wilbye |
32 | O yes! Has any found a lad? Music:Thomas Tomkins |
33 | O that the learned poets Music:Orlando Gibbons |
34 | Poor is the life Music:Michael East |
35 | Quick, quick, away, dispatch! Music:Michael East |
36 | No haste but good! Music:Michael East |
37 | See, see the shepherds' queen Music:Thomas Tomkins |
38 | Since Robin Hood Music:Thomas Weelkes |
39 | See what a maze of error Music:George Kirbye |
40 | Sing we and chant it Music:Thomas Morley |
41 | Strike it up, tabor Music:Thomas Weelkes |
42 | Sing we st pleasure Music:Thomas Weelkes |
43 | Sleep, fleshly birth Music:Robert Ramsey |
44 | Sweet honey-sucking bees Music:John Wilbye |
45 | Yet, sweet, take heed Music:John Wilbye |
46 | Sweet Suffolk owl Music:Thomas Vautor |
47 | The silver swan Music:Orlando Gibbons |
48 | This sweet and merry month of May Music:William Byrd |
49 | Though Amaryllis dance Music:William Byrd |
50 | Though Philomela lost her love Music:Thomas Morley |
51 | Those sweet delightful lilies Music:Thomas Bateson |
52 | Thule, the period of cosmography Music:Thomas Weelkes |
53 | The Andalusian merchant Music:Thomas Weelkes |
54 | Thus sings my dearest jewel Music:Thomas Weelkes |
55 | Too much I once lamented Music:Thomas Tomkins |
56 | Trust not too much, fair youth Music:Orlando Gibbons |
57 | Weep, O mine eyes Music:John Bennet |
58 | Weep, weep, mine eyes Music:John Wilbye |
59 | What is our life? Music:Orlando Gibbons |
60 | Whither away so fast? Music:Thomas Morley |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0-19-343722-8 | A1718 | 1994 | English |
7 Poems of Robert Bridges op.17 より Music:Gerald Finzi | |
1 | 3.My spirit sang all day |
2 | 1.I praise the tender flower |
3 | 6.Haste on, my joys! |
4 | In the wilderness Music:Edgar L. Bainton |
5 | The splendour falls on castle walls Music:Frederick Delius |
6 | To daffodils Music:Ernest Farrar |
5 Elizabethan Lyrics より Music:Cecil Armstrong Gibbs | |
7 | 1.Devotion |
8 | 4.How can the heart forget her? |
9 | This have I done for my True Love Music:Gustav Holst |
10 | Dream Tryst Music:Gustav Holst |
11 | The Scribe Music:Herbert Howells |
12 | The Hills Music:John Ireland |
Songs of Springtime より Music:Ernest J. Moeran | |
13 | 4.Love is a sickness |
2 Songs from Shakespear's "Twelfth Night" より Music:Herbert Murrill | |
14 | 2.O mistress mine |
3 Shakespeare Songs Music:Ralph Vaughan Williams | |
15 | 1.Full fathom five |
16 | 2.The cloud-capp'd towers |
17 | 3.Over hill, over dale |
18 | Silence and Music Music:Ralph Vaughan Williams |
19 | Greensleeves Arranged by:Ralph Vaughan Williams |
20 | Soft music Music:Ernest Walker |
21 | The spring of the year Music:Peter Warlock |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0-19-353111-9 | A1729 | 1998 | English |
1 | Lento Prose Mode V/Accompaniment by:John Scott |
2 | Civitas sancti tui Music:William Byrd |
3 | Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake Music:Richard Farrant あるいは Music:John Hilton |
4 | The Litany Music:Henry Loosemore |
5 | The Litany Music:Philip Marshall |
6 | Peccantem me quotidie Music:Cristóbal de Morales |
7 | Agnus Dei Music:Thomas Morley |
8 | Like as the hart Music:Noel Rawsthorne |
9 | A Litany Music:William Walton |
10 | A Litany Music:Samuel Sebastian Wesley |
11 | Christus factus est Music:Felice Anerio |
12 | Christus factus est Music:Edward C. Bairstow |
13 | Jesu, grant me this I pray Music:Orlando Gibbons |
14 | God so loved the world Music:Bob Chilcott |
15 | Ecce, quomodo moritur justus Music:Jacobus Gallus(Jacob Handl) |
16 | Adoramus te, Christe Music:Orlandus Lassus |
17 | God so loved the world 〜The Crucifixion より Music:John Stainer |
18 | The Feast of Palms Music:Alan Bullard |
19 | Hosianna dem Sohne Davids Music:Bartholomäus Gesius |
20 | Hosanna to the Son of David Music:Arthur Hutchings |
21 | Ride on Music:Grayston Ives |
22 | Ingrediente Domino Music:George Malcolm |
23 | Pueri Hebraeorum Music:Tomás Luis de Victoria |
24 | In the heart where love is abiding Arranged by:John Barnard |
25a | Pange lingua (Tantum ergo) Music:Anton Bruckner |
25b | Of the glorious Body telling Music:Anton Bruckner |
26 | Tantum ergo Music:Déodat de Séverac |
27 | Ave verum corpus Music:Flor Peeters |
28 | A new commandment Music:Richard Shephard |
29 | Sing, my tongue Music:Richard Shephard |
30 | In the departure of the Lord Music:John Bull |
31 | Were You There? Arranged by:Bob Chilcott |
32 | O vos omnes Music:Giovanni Croce |
33 | O mortal man Arranged by:John Scott |
34 | Crux fidelis Music:John IV (King of Portugal) |
35 | Eheu, sustulerunt Music:Thomas Morley |
36 | The Reproaches Music:John Sanders |
37 | Popule meus Music:Tomás Luis de Victoria |
38 | Easter Alleluias 〜第4旋法 (a) Antiphon with psalm tone (b) Plainchant Alleluia |
39 | I saw water (Vidi aquam) 〜第8旋法 |
40 | Alleluia. Christus surrexit Music:Felice Anerio |
41 | Psalm 114 Music:Edward Bairstow |
42 | Joy is come! Arranged by:Andrew Carter |
The light of life op.29 より Music:Edward Elgar | |
43 | Light of the World |
44 | Most glorious Lord of life Music:Edward Bairstow |
45 | This joyful Eastertide (オランダキャロル) Arranged by:Philip Ledger |
46 | Now the green blade riseth (French Folksong) Arranged by:Simon Lindley |
47 | Christ the Lord is risen again Music:John Rutter |
48 | Surrexit Christus hodie Music:Samuel Scheidt |
49 | Easter Anthems Music:John Scott |
50 | The Easter Song of Praise Music:Richard Shephard |
51 | Ye choirs of new Jerusalem Music:Charles Stanford |
52 | O sons and daughters Music:Walford Davies |
53 | He is risen Music:Percy Whitlock |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0 19 343718 X | A1222 | 1983 | English |
1 | Among the leaves so green, O (English folk-song) Arranged by:John Byrt |
2 | Bushes and briars (English folk-song) Arranged by:Donald James |
3 | Black Sheep (Traditional American lullaby) Arranged by:John Rutter |
4 | Bobby Shaftoe (Scottish folk-song) Arranged by:David Willcocks |
5 | Dashing away with the smoothing iron (Traditional song) Arranged by:John Rutter |
6 | Early one morning (English folk-song) Arranged by:David Willcocks |
7 | Greensleeves (English traditional song) Arranged by:Ralph Vaughan Williams |
8 | Londonderry Air (Irish melody) Arranged by:Percy Grainger |
9 | My sweetheart's like Venus (Welsh folk-song) Arranged by:Gustav Holst |
10 | O waly, waly (Somerset fok-song) Arranged by:John Rutter |
11 | She's like the swallow (Newfoundland folk-song) Arranged by:Edward T. Chapman |
12 | Sourwood mountain (Tennessee folk-song) Arranged by:John Rutter |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0 19 343719 X | A1234 | 1983 | English |
1 | Afton Water (Scottish folk-song) Music:David Willcocks |
2 | Brigg Fair (Lincolnshire folk-song) Music:Percy Grainger |
3 | Ca' the yowes (Scottish folk-song) Music:Ralph Vaughan Williams |
4 | Faithful Johnny (Scottish traditional song) Music:John Byrt |
5 | I love my love (Cornish folk-song) Music:Gustav Holst |
6 | Strawberry Fair (English folk-song) Music:Donald James |
7 | Swansea Town (Folk-song) Music:Gustav Holst |
8 | The keel row (Tyneside traditional song) Music:John Byrt |
9 | The oak and the ash (Old English air) Music:Edward Bairstow |
10 | The sailroad young Nancy (Norfolk fok-song) Music:E.J.Moeran |
11 | The three raves (Traditional ballad) Music:Edward T. Chapman |
12 | The turtle dove (English folk-song) Music:Ralph Vaughan Williams |
13 | Yarmouth Fair (Norfolk folk-tune) Music:Peter Warlock |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score, Vocal Score | ISBN 0 19 353240 9 | A0932 | 1973 | Latin, German, English |
1 | Beatus vir Music:Orlandus Lassus |
2 | Oculus non vidit Music:Orlandus Lassus |
3 | Duo seraphim Music:Richard Dering |
4 | Gaudent coelis Music:Richard Dering |
Kleine geistliche Konzerte op.8 より Music:Heinrich Schütz | |
5 | 13.Eins bitte ich vom Herren |
6 | Come, ye children Music:Agostino Steffani |
7 | Christo resurgenti Music:François Couperin |
8 | Evening Hymn Music:Henry Purcell |
9 | Lord, what love have I Music:William Croft |
10 | Wash me throughly Music:Georg Friedrich Händel |
11 | Give ear unto me Music:Benedetto Marcello |
12 | I will always give thanks Music:Charles King |
13 | O come hither Music:Maurice Greene |
14 | The Lord is my shepherd Music:Maurice Greene |
15 | O my God, O cry in the daytime Music:John Reynolds |
16 | The sorrow of my heart Music:William Boyce |
Stabat Mater より Music:Givanni Battista Pergolesi | |
17 | 1.Stabat Mater dolorosa |
18 | The souls of the righteous Music:James Nares |
19 | O salutaris hostia Music:César Franck/Arranged by:Henry Geehl |
20 | The song of the tree of life Music:Ralph Vaughan-Williams |
Sacred Songs より Music:Alan Ridout | |
21 | 4.Let saints on earth in concert sing |
22 | Litany to the Holy Spirit Music:Peter Hurford |
23 | Sing we merrily Music:Christopher Symons |
24 | Close in my breast thy perfect love Music:David Lord |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0-19-353563-7 | A1937 | 1961 | English |
1 | God rest you merry, gentlemen Arranged by:David Willcocks |
2 | O come, all ye faithful Arranged by:David Willcocks |
3 | Unto us is born a Son Arranged by:David Willcocks |
4 | The first Nowell Arranged by:David Willcocks |
5 | Hark! the herald angels sing Arranged by:David Willcocks |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0-19-353563-7 | A2226 | 1961 | English, Latin |
1 | Sic vita op.88 Music:John Joubert |
2 | Red River Music:Robin Holloway |
4 Rounds to Shakespeare Texts op.133 Music:Robin Holloway | |
3 | 1.If music be the food of love |
4 | 2.The fool speaks |
5 | 3.Under the greenwood tree |
6 | 4.Blow, blow, thou winter wind |
7 | Annes! Music:Nicholas Maw |
8 | Engraved on the Collar of a Dog, Which I Gave to his Royal Highness Music:Phyllis Tate |
9 | Jonnie Groat Says Music:Alan Ridout |
10 | To Autumn Music:Alun Hoddinott |
11 | Pater noster Music:Gordon Crosse |
12 | Carmen Paschale op.71-2 Music:William Mathias |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 0-19-343539-X | A2751 | 1987 | French |
1 | Mille regretz de vous abandonner Music:Josquin des Près |
2 | En l'ombre d'un buissonet Music:Josquin des Près |
3 | Petite camusette Music:Josquin des Près |
4 | Faute d'argent Music:Josquin des Près |
5 | Petite Camusette Music:Antoine de Févin |
6 | En venant de Lyon Music:Jean Mouton |
7 | Trut avant il faut boire Music:Jean Richafort |
8 | Sur le joli jonc Music:Adrian Willaert |
9 | Qui la dira Music:Adrian Willaert |
10 | Et la la la Music:Ninot le Petit |
11 | A Paris a trois fillettes Music:Jacotin |
12 | Jouissance vous donnerai Music:Claude de Sermisy |
13 | Tant que vivray en âge florissant Music:Claude de Sermisy |
14 | Martin menait son pourceau Music:Claude de Sermisy |
15 | Le chant des oiseaux Music:Clément Janequin |
16 | Au joli jeu du pousse avant Music:Clément Janequin |
17 | La plus belle de la ville Music:Clément Janequin |
18 | Or vien ça, vien, m'amie Music:Clément Janequin |
19 | Pourquoi tournez vous vos yeux Music:Clément Janequin |
20 | Changeons propos Music:Nicolas Gombert |
21 | Vous êtes trop jeune Music:Nicolas Gombert |
22 | Il est bel et bon Music:Pierre Passereau |
23 | La la la, je ne l'ose dire Music:Pierre Certon |
24 | Que n'est elle auprès de moi Music:Pierre Certon |
25 | J'espère et crains Music:Pierre Certon |
26 | Je suis déshéritée Music:Pierre Certon |
27 | Je suis déshéritée Music:Pierre Cadéac |
28 | Si vous voulez Music:Pierre de Villiers |
29 | Moins je la veux Music:Mittantier |
30 | Douce mémoire Music:Sandrin |
31 | Puisque vivre en servitude Music:Sandrin |
32 | Douce mémoire Music:Antoine Gardane |
33 | A qui me dois je retirer? Music:Maille |
34 | Un doux regard Music:Robert Meigret |
35 | Si je maintiens ma vie Music:Guillaume de La Moeulle |
36 | Celle fillette Music:Gabriel Coste |
37 | Pleurez mes yeux Music:Dominique Phinot |
38 | Une dame pour mieux venir Music:Didier Lupi second |
39 | Comme serait à moi Music:Barthélemy Beaulaigue |
40 | Douce mémoire Music:Tielman Susato |
41 | Un gai berger Music:Thomas Crequillon |
42 | Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer Music:Benedictus Appenzeller |
43 | Mariez moi mon père Music:Cornelius Canis |
44 | Douce mémoire Music:Jacques Buus |
45 | Un doux regard Music:Pierre de Manchiocourt (or Thomas Crequillon) |
46 | D'amours me va Music:Hubert Waelrant |
47 | Jaquin Jaquet Music:Jacobus Clemens non Papa |
48 | D'un extrême regret Music:Jacques Arcadelt |
49 | Je ne suis pas si sot Music:Jacques Arcadelt |
50 | Qui renforcera ma voix Music:Claude Goudimel |
51 | Je ne me confesserai point Music:Antoine de Mornable |
52 | Si l'on doit prendre Music:Claude Gervaise |
53 | O qu'heureuse est ma fortune Music:De Bussy |
54 | O ma belle maîtresse Music:Nicolas Millot |
55 | Complainte de la tourterelle Music:Entraigues |
56 | Comme un qui prend Music:Pierre Clereau |
57 | Mon coeur à vous, belle, se recommande Music:François Roussel |
58 | Mignonne, allons voir si la rose Music:Guillaume Costeley |
59 | Arrête un peu mon coeur Music:Guillaume Costeley |
60 | Quand mon mary vient de dehors Music:Orlandus Lassus [Orlando di Lasso] |
61 | Bon jour, mon coeur Music:Orlandus Lassus [Orlando di Lasso] |
62 | Une puce j'ay dedans l'oreille Music:Orlandus Lassus [Orlando di Lasso] |
63 | La nuict froide et sombre Music:Orlandus Lassus [Orlando di Lasso] |
64 | Ah! je meurs Music:Jean de Castro |
65 | Je suis quasi Music:Jean de Castro |
66 | Bonjour mon coeur Music:Philippe de Monte |
67 | Avecque vous Music:Severin Cornet |
68 | J'espère et crains Music:Guillaume Boni |
69 | Ha, bel accueil Music:Guillaume Boni |
70 | Las, je me plains Music:François Regnard |
71 | Holà, caron Music:Antoine de Bertrand |
72 | Je suis un Demi-dieu Music:Antoine de Bertrand |
73 | Une puce Music:Fabrice Marin Caietain |
74 | Dames en qui reluit toute beauté Music:Didier Le Blanc |
75 | Susanne un jour Music:Claude Le Jeune |
76 | J'aime la pierre précieuse Music:Claude Le Jeune |
77 | Revoici venir du printemps Music:Claude Le Jeune |
78 | Ce n'est que fiel, ce n'est qu'amer Music:Claude Le Jeune |
79 | D'être amoureux Music:Andreas Pevernage |
80 | Puis que le ciel veut ainsi Music:Jean Planson |
81 | Voici le vert et beau mai Music:Jacques Mauduit |
82 | Non, vous n'êtes pas yeux Music:Charles Tessier |
83 | Françion vint l'autre jour Music:Pierre Bonnet |
84 | Las! amour Music:Eustache Du Caurroy |
種別 | 品番 | 管理番号 | (C) | 言語 |
Full Score | ISBN 978-0-19-343687-9 | A2922 | 2013 | Slavonic |
1 | Милость мира No.1 Music:Aleksandr Kastalsky |
Всенощное бдение op.59 より Music:Aleksandr Grechaninov | |
2 | 1.Благослови, душе моя -- Bless the Lord, O My Soul |
3 | Блажен муж op.11-2 -- Blessed is the Man Music:Pavel Chesnokov |
4 | Блажен муж -- Blessed is the Man Music:Artemy Vedel |
5 | Херувимская песнь op.33-6 -- Cherubic Hymn Music:Pavel Chesnokov |
6 | Херувимская песнь -- Cherubic Hymn Music:Aleksandr Kastalsky |
7 | Не отвержи мене во время старости -- Do Not Reject Me in My Old Age Music:Maksim Berezovsky |
8 | Свете тихий -- Gladsome Light Music:Aleksandr Grechaninov |
9 | Свете тихий No.3 -- Gladsome Light Music:Aleksandr Kastalsky |
10 | Гласом моим ко Господу воззвах -- I cry aloud with my voice unto the Lord Music:Aleksandr Kastalsky |
11 | Достойно есть -- It Is Truly Fitting Music:Znamenny chant/Arranged by:Nicolas M. Ossorguine, Nikolay Kedrov, Jr. |
Литургия Святаго иоанна Златоустаго No.2 op.29 より Music:Aleksandr Grechaninov | |
12 | 10.Достойно естъ -- It Is Truly Fitting |
9 Духовно-музыкалъных сочинений より Music:Piotr Tchaikovsky | |
13 | 8.Да исправится -- Let my prayer arise |
14 | Господи, спаси благочестивыя и Трисвятое op.38-1 -- 'Lord, Save the Faithful' and Trisagion Music:Pavel Chesnokov |
15 | Многая Лета -- Many Years Music:Dmitry Bortniansky |
16 | Многая Лета -- Many Years Music:Sergei Prokofiev |
17 | Многая Лета -- Many Years Music:Sergei Prokofiev |
18 | Отче Наш op.9-3 -- Our Father Music:Nikolai Golovanov |
Литургия Святаго иоанна Златоустаго No.2 op.29 より Music:Aleksandr Grechaninov | |
19 | 11.Отче наш -- Our Father |
3 Духовных хора より Music:Alfred Schnittke | |
20 | 3.Отче наш -- Our Father |
Всенощное бдение op.59 より Music:Aleksandr Grechaninov | |
21 | 5.Хвалите имя Господне -- Praise the Name of the Lord |
22 | Из Акафиста Святителю Николаю -- Rejoice, Nicholas, Great Miracle-Worker Music:Anton Viskov |
23 | Богородице Дево -- Rejoice, O Virgin Mother of God Music:Viktor Kalinnikov |
Хоры из музыки к драме А. К. Толстого ≪Царь Федор Иоаннович≫ より Music:Georgy Sviridov | |
24 | 2.Любовь святая -- Sacred Love |
25 | В молитвах неусыпающую Богородицу -- The Ever-Vigilant Mother of God Music:Sergei Rachmaninov |
Всенощное бдение No.2 op.44 より Music:Pavel Chesnokov | |
26 | 9.(Slavosloviye vyelikoye) -- The Great Doxology |
27 | Великое славословие No.2 op.57 -- The Great Doxology Music:Aleksandr Kastalsky |