購入番号 | 購入日 | 購入店 | (P) |
CB159 | Brain | 1996 |
TR. | Title | time |
1 | ゆうやけの歌 Music:湯山昭 | |
2 | La berceuse du petit zébu Music:Jacque Ibert | |
風の馬 より Music:武満徹 | ||
3 | 1.第1ヴォカリーズ | |
4 | 2.指の呪文 | |
Missa Simplex より Music:Hendrik Andriessen | ||
5 | 3.Credo | |
6 | Hosanna Music:Knut Nystedt | |
7 | Thus saith my Cloris bright Music:John Wilbye | |
Magic Songs より Music:R. Murray Schafer | ||
8 | 1.Chant to Bring Back the Wolf | |
9 | 3.Chant to Make Fireflies Glow | |
10 | 4.Chant for Clear Water | |
11 | 6.Chant to Keep Bees Warn in Winter | |
12 | 7.Chant to Make Beas Dance | |
13 | 8.Chant to Make the Stones Sing | |
14 | 9.Chant to Make the Magic Work | |
15 | The blue bird op.119-3 Music:Charles Stanford | |
Reincarnation op.16 より Music:Samuel Barber | ||
16 | 3.The Coolin (The fair haired one) | |
原爆小景 より Music:林光 | ||
17 | 3.夜 | |
祈りの虹 より Music:新実徳英 | ||
18 | 4.ヒロシマにかける虹 |