媒体 | 規格番号 | 購入番号 | (P) |
CD | FCD 368 396 | CA0730 | 2001 |
TR. | Title | time |
1 | Der 130. Psalm Music:Heinrich Kaminski | 3:59 |
2 | Psalm 130 De profundis clamavi Music:Vic Nees | 3:20 |
3 | De profundis Music:Krzysztof Penderecki | 5:24 |
4 | Psalm 67 Music:Charles Ives | 2:56 |
5 | Psalm 67 Deus misereatur nostri Music:Jens Peter Ostendorf | 4:48 |
6 | Psalm 13 Herr, wie lange willst du mein so gar vergessen? -- "Kleiner Psalter" より Music:Willy Burkhard | 2:09 |
7 | How long, O Lord op.58 Music:Egil Hovland | 5:34 |
8 | Psalm 46+72 The works of the Lord Music:Leland B. Sateren | 5:01 |
9 | Psalm 77 I cry aloud to God Music:Knut Nystedt | 8:03 |
Geistliche Chormusik op.12 より Music:Hugo Distler | ||
10 | 1.Singet dem Herrn | 4:53 |
11 | Psalm 98 Cantate Domino Music:Vytautas Miškinis | 2:43 |
12 | Exultate Deo Music:Francis Poulenc | 2:35 |
13 | Psalm 100 Jubilate Deo Music:John Høybye | 2:30 |
14 | O crux op.79 Music:Knut Nystedt | 6:31 |