research->Media Art->Media Art and robots->What is a robot?
There're many things to know about sensor and robot technologies related to Media Art works. For example, "Singing Robot" of Maywa Denki is not just a robot but Media Art work itself.
Studies Media Art and robots.
What is a robot?
A word "robot" comes from Czech. Many people probably have image of robots like "Mighty Atom(astro boy)", which has intelligence, human being shape, free movable machine. A series of SF nobels written by Isaac Asimov are famous for robots, and the robots also have AI(artificial intelligence). However, they are not present in reality.
Currently, there're 2 types of robots, one is industrial and the other is hobby. They are not always shaped like human beings. Industrial ones often have only their arms.
Industrial robots
Definition of robots
Dr.Assimov (see above) thought about 3 principles of robots. I'm not quite sure but they were "Robots never kill human beings","Robots obays human beings' orders" and "Robots protect themselves". When a contradiction occures, the former one prior to others. For example, if a robot is ordered "Kill Mr.XX", it won't obay the order because of the first principle.
By the way, definition of realistic robots changes depending on the time and field. At least, "robots" should have functions such as "excersise","interactive"and"sensation". However, unsubstantial robots like "search robots" are also called robots. They should be taken they move around and working on the Internet just like robots.

Coming up --Research of robots