Research->Media Art->Media Art and robots->Research of Robots
There're many things to know about sensor and robot technologies related to Media Art works. For example, "Singing Robot" of Maywa Denki is not just a robot but Media Art work itself. Studies Media Art and robots.
Research of robots
Robots are researched in many fields, especially HONDA's working hard and their product "ASIMO" is famous and can be seen on TVCM. Some people say ASIMO project is for seacret military purpose. Just rumors? Also Waseda Univ. is famous for this field's research. I remember I saw a human-shaped robot there. I heard it could play the electone but when I saw it, it was like a dusty mannequin.
Robot exhibition
Robots exhibitions are sometimes held at Tokyo Big Sight, the international exhibition center, and so on. Usually the main exhibitions are industrial and partly hobby robots. Also, we can see smaller exhibitions at science museums. I have visited the kind of exhibition in Nagoya, they had mainly human-shaped robots.
Robot exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight
I have worked for the exhibition of human beings and robots before, the main exhibition was art. It was held at Japan Culture Center in Paris. Despite of few robot works, I was impressed by Singing robot of Maywa Denki which was appeared at the opening party.

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