Rosalia Longhorn

Gambia 2012Poland 1961Japan 1986Republic of China 2010
Banded Alder Beetle
Rosalia funebris
Blue Longhorn Beetle
Rosalia alpina
Blue Longhorn Beetle
Rosalia batesi
Red Longhorn Beetle
Rosalia formosa
Democratic Republic of Congo 1971Swizerland 1953North Korea 1963Laos 1974
Purpuricenus Longhorn Beetle
Purpuricenus congoanus
Purpuricenus Longhorn
Purpuricenus kaehleri
Purpuricenus Longhorn Beetle
Purpuricenus lituratus
Purpuricenus Longhorn Beetle
Purpuricenus malaccensis
Taiwan 1958Vietnam 1977Indonesia 2001
Batocera Longhorn Beetle
Batocera lineolata
Batocera Longhorn Beetle
Batocera rubus
Batocera Longhorn Beetle
Batocera rosenbergi
Vietnam 1977Republic of China 2010Republic of China 2010Vietnam 1977
Black-spotted Longhorn
Anopolophora versteegi
Anopolophora Longhorn
Anopolophora horsfieldi
Aphrodisium Longhorn
Aphrodisium faldermannii
Veined Longhorn Beetle
Aphrodisium griffithi
Hungary 1980North Korea 1963
Tiger Longhorn Beetle
Chlorophorus varius
Cyrtoclytus Longhorn Beetle
Cyrtoclytus capra
France 1983Cambodia 1998Bhutan 1997Nepal 2008
Tribe Lepturini Longhorn
Leptura cordigera
Longhorn Beetle
Leptura rubra
Hawaii Longhorn Beetle
Plagithmysus pennatus
Tiger Longhorn Beetle
Demonax bicincta

Slovakia 2001Hungary 2015Sumatra 2018Sumatra 2018
Blue Longhorn Beetle with Black Spots
Rosalia alpina
Blue Longhorn Beetle
Rosalia alpina
Purpurbook Beetle
Purpuricenus kaehleri
Longhorned Beetle
Semanotus russicus

Blue Longhorn Beetle
Rosalia batesi
Blue Longhorn Beetle
Rosalia batesi
Red Milkweed Beetle
Rosalia ferriei

Rosalia Longhorn is Longhorn beetle of the medium size which has a black spot in the body of a velvet-like bluish green color, and although it extracts a group and is beautiful also in a beetle, it is one. It works in the daytime, and the liquid of trees is licked or it gathers in the dead tree and lumberyard of a breeding place.

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