Insect Stamp of Republic of Congo

Although Congo of the old Franch became independent of France as Republic of Congo in 1960, it is changed to the People's Republic of Congo in 1970. However, it returned to Republic of Congo again in 1991.
Seven kinds of the stamps which drew three kinds of insects and four kinds of flowers were issued from Republic of Congo in 1970 by the set.
One kind of insect stamp was issued from People's Republic of Congo in 1985.
Four kinds of beetle stamps were issued in 1991 which returned the name of a country to Republic of Congo.

Republic of Congo
1970.6.30 Insect Stamp
Lesser Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Sternotomis variabilis
Chelorrhina Beetle
Chelorrhina polyphemus
African Red Stag Beetle
Metopodontus savagei

People Republic of Congo
1985.3.15 Insect Stamp
Bush Locust
Zonocerus variegatus

Republic of Congo
1991.7.2 Beetle Stamp
Click Beetle
Gen. et sp. indet.
Centaurus Giant Beetle
Augosoma centaurus
Longhorn Beetle
Gen. et sp. indet.
Goliath Beetle
Goliathus regius

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