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*Latest Books*

『少年たちのアメリカ』(Boys' America: The Empire and Masculinities in Adolescent Literature)
『ねむり姫がめざめるとき---フェミニズム理論で児童文学を読む』(Waking Sleeping Beauty)
Bridges for the Young: The Fiction of Katherine Paterson
Touch the Earth
The Presence of the Past in Children's Literature
Children's Literature and the Fin De Siecle
 (Decoding the Body in Fantasy Fictions: from Frankenstein to Princess Mononoke)
Expectations and Experiences: Children, Childhood & Children's Literature
 (Disturbing the Universe: Power and Repression in Adolescent Literature)

*Selected Articles*

A Reconciliation with Asia, Female, and Other: Regeneration of Masculinity in Park's Quest
Uneasy Men in the Land of Oz
The Quest for Masculinity in The Chocolate War : Changing Conceptions of Masculinity in the
 1970s" Children's Literature
The "Masculine Mystique" Revisioned in The Earthsea Quartet
Revitalizing Manhood in Tarzan of the Apes: A Survival Strategy of Having Mother "Wilderness"
Telling a New Narrative of American Adam and His Manhood in I Am the Cheese
A Search for a New Narrative of Manhood in Myers's Fallen Angels    
newspaper article: 讀賣新聞記事 「米思春期文学と大統領選」Yomiuri Shinbun (Japanese)
" The Body, Pollution, and Danger in Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke " Adaptation as a
 Strategy of Children's Literature, e-book, 2005.
Photographing the Almost-family in the Weetzie Bat Books
Abjection of Horror in Cynthia Kadohata's The Floating World
Constructing Cultural Memory beyond the Limits of Narrative in So Far from the Bamboo Grove
Constructing a New Community of Chronotope in Park's A Single Shard
Transcending Fear in Rosa Guy's The Friends: A Girl's Postcolonial Self-recognition

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