1972 Datsun 240Z
(Progress Report)
Page 1 of 1
Updated: 02/19/99

Gunze Sangyo's Mr. Surfacer was used.

In order to represent the car in the NISSAN ad, it is necessary to modify the fenders, because the kit is the 240ZG. The bolt-on flare was cut, and reattached to the body.  Then the gap was filled with putty.  After that, sanding paper was used to smooth the surface.  This photo was taken after Gunze Sangyo surfacer was applied with a brush.  It helps to fill the small scratches, as well as to reveal any inadequate smoothing or filling work.


After sanding work's done.

When filling and sanding works are finished, it's time to  smoothen the surface by using a polishing kit to eliminate the difference in texture.  Because putty is much coarser than the plastic, simple sanding work doesn't blend the modified part to the body.  When polishing is done, it's ready to spray Gunze Sangyo Mr. Surfacer 1000.
911gt104.jpg (42450 bytes)

Mr. Surfacer Spray is handy for final preparation.

The photo was taken after Mr. Surfacer was sprayed.  It still shows that the body is somewhat coarse, but it'll be smoothened by using Micromesh Polishing kit.  I'll repeat the above process several times until the modified part completely blends into the body.

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Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001 Hiroaki Fukuda

Last modified : 1999-02-19