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Eiichi Morino
When good politics makes for bad economics
December 4, 2008
Willem H. Buiter         

Good economics serves efficiency and fairness.  
ood politics serves the survival of the incumbent government.  
Sometimes all these considerations point in the same direction.  
Sometimes they don’t.  Yesterday, in the UK, they did not.

The UK government yesterday announced that they were introducing 
retroactive mortgage payment insurance protection free of charge 
to qualifying residential mortgage borrowers; the cost of the insurance 
to be born, in as yet unknown proportions, between the tax payer 
and the mortgage lenders.

This policy is a typical example of ‘insider protection’ 
at the expense of outsiders and newcomers.  Rent control is 
another example of the same phenomenon.  ‘Employment protection’, 
aka as ‘protection of the jobs of those who have jobs at the expense 
of those without jobs and looking for jobs’ is another prominent example, 
especially popular in some continental European countries.

The details of the UK programme for a partial mortgage interest holiday, 
for up to 2 years, for households where there is a major loss of income 
(due, say, to a family member losing his or her job)  are unclear.  
It may apply only to mortgages below £400,000.00.  
You may not be eligible if you have savings in excess of £16,000.00 - 
a nice example of how a policy proposal in one policy area - 
reducing repossessions of homes, and the fear of repossession of homes - 
creates perverse incentives in another - inducing households 
to save more during the high-earning years of the household life-cycle.  
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, may not be 
a manic micro-tinkerer like his predecessor, 
Gordon Brown, whose left hand had no idea of the (unintended) incentive effects 
of what his right hand was doing, 
but he can create Brownian distortions and disincentives with the best of them.

Why is this temporary mortgage interest holiday a bad idea?

First, why reward the improvident and those who assumed excessive risks 
by taking on mortgages they would not be able to afford should they 
or there partner become unemployed, and without buying mortgage payment 
protection insurance?

It is true that the mortgage payment protection insurance sector has recently been diagnosed 
as uncompetitive and providing poor value.  
But isn’t that where the government’s efforts should have been directed 
these past 11 years? If the government is worried about its middle-class supporters losing 
their homes when the unemployment rate rises rapidly, 
it ought to have mandated mortgage payment protection insurance 
with every mortgage taken out (perhaps it should even do so even now, 
for both new and old mortgages).  Or if it does not like mandating, 
it could ‘nudge’ mortgage borrowers, by permitting only mortgages 
with mortgage payment protection insurance attached to be sold, 
but leaving the borrower the option of subsequently cancelling the insurance.

Retroactive free insurance creates terrible incentives.  
If people settle in a flood plain, they should not be surprised 
that the water occasionally rises to the rafters.  They should not be expected 
to be bailed out when their properties are washed away.  
It is true that they often end up being bailed out by the tax payer, 
and then repay this generosity by returning to live in the same flood plain.

Bailing out existing mortgage borrowers threatened with the loss of their homes when, 
because of a crisis-related loss of income they cannot make the required mortgage payments, 
is good opportunistic politics.  
It is a hand-out to the middle class, which always feels hard done by anyway, 
and whose electoral support is essential if the government is to stay in office.

It does nothing for fairness or poverty relief.  
Those with mortgages of up to £400,000.00  are not among the poorest, 
most deprived or most vulnerable members of society. Without this hand-out, 
those who have taken out mortgages too large for them to service 
when there is a significant decline in household income, 
would have to sell their homes, move to more modest accommodations 
(purchased or rented), and get on with their lives.  
A shock and a source of unhappiness, no doubt, but not a reason 
for the government to intervene.

It is not the responsibility of  government to make us (or some of us) happy, 
even if it knew how to do this, which of course it does not.  
It is the job of government to create the conditions under which we can get on 
with our lives as free citizens, with minimal dependence on hand-outs from others.  
 There are also far too many far more urgent claims on government resources 
to waste any on middle-class mortgage borrowers.

Does the proposal do much to stimulate aggregate demand, or the supply of credit 
to liquidity- and credit constrained households and enterprises? Hardly.  
The amount of money involved is small (probably no more that £100 million per year, 
with a total contingent exposure of about £1 billion).  
It also does nothing to address the credit constraints  faced 
by key spending units, non-financial enterprises and households wanting 
to take out new mortgages, including first-time borrowers.

External funding to non-financial enterprises through the capital markets has fallen sharply 
and in some cases (securitisation of new mortgage originations) virtually disappeared. 
 Larger enterprises are increasingly dependent on banks for external funding, 
crowding out SMEs, for which banks are the only form of external finance in the process. 
Businesses need external finance to pay their workers and their suppliers 
(costs come before revenues).  
Without such working capital, otherwise viable enterprises die.  
And they are dying, unnecessarily, in their hundreds every week.

To restore external credit to SMEs and the the non-financial enterprise sector 
in general, several measures can be implemented.  
First, the government can guarantee bank loans to the non-financial 
enterprise sector.  The fee charged will determine the magnitude of the subsidy 
to the borrower (and/or to the bank).  
Second, the  Bank of England could purchase corporate debt instruments directly 
(the way the Fed does with commercial paper), or the Bank of England could lend directly 
to the non-financial business sector, competing with the commercial banks. 
Third, the government could instruct the banks it owns completely 
(Northern Rock and Bradford & Bingley), in which it is the majority shareholder (RBS) 
or in which it is the controlling minority shareholder (HBOS and Lloyds-TSB), 
to lend to the non-financial business sector or to SMEs.  
Fourth, the government could mandate all banks, regardless 
of whether it owns an equity stake in them, to increase their lending to SMEs or 
to the non-financial business sector in general.  
Fifth, the government could nationalise all high-street banks and instruct them 
to lend as in case three.

Proposals for the government to guarantee specific types of credit (e.g. suppliers’ credit) 
are a subset of the more general credit or loan guarantees described 
in the previous paragraph.

From the perspective of  getting new mortgage lending back on stream, 
the government’s retroactive mortgage payment protection insurance proposal is 
actually counterproductive.  
To the extent that the cost of the proposal is not born by the tax payer but passed 
on to the mortgage lender, the proposal makes it less attractive to engage 
in new mortgage lending.  A typical example of incumbent- or insider protection 
at the expense of outsiders and newcomers.

To get new mortgage lending going, extending the SLS to accept securities backed 
by new mortgages (i.e. mortgages backed by securities issued after 2007) would be helpful. 
 The Bank of England still opposes this.  The Treasury should simply take the SLS away 
from the Bank of England and manage it through the Debt Management Office.

The Crosby Report contained proposals for reviving securitised mortgage financing 
through government guarantees for £100bn of new high-grade issuance. 
The responses of Mervyn King  (securitised mortgages were “a form of lending that 
for rather good reason has fallen out of favour”) and 
of Alistair Darling (deafening silence) were not encouraging.  
Surely, securitising ‘gold standard’ mortgages (strict limits on LTV ratios, 
strict limits on income multiples, no self-certification, no teaser rates 
and other unseemly features) will be part of our future, even if in the past much stuff 
that should never have been securitised was nevertheless securitised?

It has also been argued that the government’s retroactive mortgage payment protection insurance 
will lift the fear of repossession from millions of vulnerable British households 
and that this will cause them to spend more.  Perhaps.  
I am sure they were all saving away earnestly to build up financial balances 
to tide them over a possible spell of unemployment without facing the loss 
of the family home.   If they had actually done so, and succeeded in building up assets 
in excess of £16,000, they would of course not be eligible for the government’s program. 
 Well, never mind.

The government’s proposal for subsidising those who took out excessive mortgages 
in the past, is a text-book example of bad economics.  
It is unfair, distorts incentives and does nothing to stimulate the economy.  
Zero out of three is bad indeed.
