Sarti Variations

from the forword of NMA X/29

There are three Sarti Variations where two of them are under Mozart's name and the other is anonymous. They are all depending on the subject of Giuseppe Sarti's "Come un'agnello".

Sarti Variation in A (with 2 variations) K.460(454a)

The fragmental autograph is remained. It was published by NMA IX/26 in 1961.

Sarti Variation in A (with 8 variations) K.460(454a)

All variations seems completely set up but not by autograph. Artaria's manuscript of 1803 is the only available source. The authenticity is spurious. It was published by AMA XXI.

Sarti Variation in G (with 6 variations) K.460(454a)app.

Kurt von Fischer introduces anonymous Sarti Variation in G by Artaria printed edition of 1787 and published in NMA X/29/2.

Sound:Mozart's Sarti Variation in A (with 2 variations) K.460(454a)

Instruments; CH1: Pianoforte, Source; NMA: IX/26 Anh.3

:? Mozart's Sarti Variation in A (with 8 variations) K.460(454a)

CDs are available on the market.

Sound:Anonymous Sarti Variation in G (with 6 variations) K.460(454a)app.

Instruments; CH1: Pianoforte, Source; NMA: X/29/2 p.220


Author: Hideo Noguchi
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(Originally uploaded:1997/12/28)