Pilgrimage around 33 Temples in Bando

First round from No.1 to No.11 and No.14

After pilgrimage around 34 temples in Chichibu, Mr. Greenwood and his school mates started new pilgrimage around 33 temples in Bando. First round from No.14 to No.11 was conducted from September 8th to 10th, 2006.

Ten people attended full time and 3 people attended first day.

First round, First day

at No.14 Gumyouji

No.1 Sugimotoji

No.2 Gandenji

No.3 Anyouin

No.4 Hase Kanon

No.5 Iizumi Kanon

First round, Second day

No.7 Kaname Kanon

No.6 Iiyama Kanon

No.8 Syoukoku Kanon

First round, Third day

No.9 Jikouji

No.10 Iwadono Kanon

No.11Yoshimi Kanon

September 27, 2006

Rev. November 15, 2006

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