Last Update Feb. 6, 2000  日本語はこちら


    I serve you several sweets, typical objects by polar coordinates. Which do you like among them?

    Scene file : lpntsphr.txt

Sweets / 67k / Feb. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    In this work I applied triangle(RIGHT) and smooth_triangle(LEFT) for same objects. Please crick the image to see its large file and confirm the difference.

    Scene file : lpnttoge.txt

Cactus / 85k / Feb. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    I twisted on the axis and swayed the surface by normal / bumps.
    I reduced the projections except on the equator by pow(sin(pi*Vvmax),50). We can control the figure of projections or hollows by a power or a radial root of figures near 1.

    Scene file : lpntjuzu.txt

Rotation / 69k / Feb. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    I added the modification of bending to the center on the shape twisted a bit on the axis.
    And I tried to use a regulated width mesh which is finer on the expanded part.

    Scene file : lpntflwr.txt

Flower / 82k / Feb. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

    I made holes equally distributed on the surface of a sphere by using the algorithm of BEADS. This is merely a play, a practice of the NUMERICAL SPACE philosophy.

    I think that fine mesh is not always best for the artistic expression. A rough mesh sometimes causes good distortion.

    Scene file : lpntbead.txt

Beads / 82k / Feb. 2000 / by Tsutomu Higo

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