Last Update Nov. 18, 1998  日本語はこちら


    I put triangles side by side spirally to form a pipe. You can exchange the number of triangles for one around in this scene file.
    Modifying the spiral pitch or the diameter makes various shapes from this structure.

    Scene file : lpfpipe.txt

Pipe / 56k / Nov. 1998 / by Tsutomu Higo

    I made this cage by modifying the diameter of the pipe structure.

    Scene file : lpfcage.txt

Cage / 58k / Nov. 1998 / by Tsutomu Higo

    I bended the pipe structure to a circle for making this ring structure by triangles.

    The formation of the circle seems to generate a small error. In the calculation a number should be just 2. But for the accurate one circuration it must be a little bigger than 2.

    Scene file : lpfring.txt

Ring / 76k / Nov. 1998 / by Tsutomu Higo

    I extend the ring to this coil.
    Forming coil by ring or forming ring by pipe is not very interesting way. But making complex structure from simple structure helps us for understanding the figue.

    Scene file : lpfcoil.txt

Coil / 68k / Nov. 1998 / by Tsutomu Higo

    Objects made from pipe structure need surfaces for closing the edge. So I got the plane by putting triangles side by side. Straining is necessary for connecting with the pipe structure.

    Scene file : lpfdome.txt

Dome / 61k / Nov. 1998 / by Tsutomu Higo

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