■ 詳細プロフィール

深山尚久 (みやまなおひさ)





1991年三枝成彰作曲のヴァイオリン協奏曲『雪に蔽われた伝説』の初演CDを東芝EMIよりリリ-ス。同年、室内楽グル-プ 『JYACMS』 (Japan Young Artist Chamber Music Society)を結成し、23回の定期演奏会を開催。



ヴァイオリン教則DVD「ヴァイオリン・テクニカル・クリニック/基礎~応用ポイントマスター)」(CGVD-1008)、「ヴァイオリン・テクニカル・クリニックⅡ実践編/基礎~応用ポイントドリル)」(CGVD-1019)、CD「愛の言葉」(オクタヴィア・レコード OVCX-00029)、著書「目からウロコのポイントチェック/Let'sヴァイオリン・レッスン」Ⅰ,Ⅱ(レッスンの友社)等を発表。

武蔵野音楽大学教授、深山アカデミー主宰、日本弦楽指導者協会 代表理事・会長、ソナーレ・アートオフィス所属。



Naohisa Miyama

Graduated from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and its graduate school.He studied violin under Mr. Yoshio Unno, Mr. Takaya Urakawa, and Mr. Chikashi Tanaka, and also studied chamber music under Mr. Louis Graeler and Ms. Henriette Puig-Roget. While in graduate school, he became the concertmaster of the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also served as concertmaster of major orchestras in Japan, including the Japan Shinsei Symphony Orchestra, Sapporo Symphony Orchestra, Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra, Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra, and Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. In 1984, Miyama went to the Freiburg University of Music in Germany with a scholarship from the Agency of Culture Affairs of Japan, and studied under Prof. Wolfgang Marschner. In 1991, Miyama made a recording of the first performance of Shigeaki Saegusa’s violin concerto titled “A Snow-Covered Legend,” which was released by Toshiba EMI Japan. In the same year, he formed a chamber music group named the Japan Young Artist Chamber Music Society (JYACMS), which has since given a total of 23 regular concerts. In 1997, he was invited as a soloist to the International Contemporary Music Festival held in Keelung, Taiwan, and gained a favorable reputation for his performance of Shigeaki Saegusa’s violin concerto. In 1998, at a concert titled “An Evening of Violin Concertos” held at the Suntory Hall in Japan, he played 3 concertos in one night with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra conducted by Yoshikazu Tanaka. Recognized as one of the leading violinists in Japan, Miyama is now giving concerts with Japanese major orchestras and recitals across the country. He is also active in the fields of chamber music, conducting, and education, as well as studying contemporary sound arts. He is now an professor at Musashino Academia Musicae,, the president of Miyama Academy and a board member of the Japanese String Teachers Association. His latest publications include DVDs “Violin Technical Clinic -- from basic to applied techniques” (Lesson-no-Tomosha Corp., 2006) and “Violin Technical Clinic II -- practices with basic and applied techniques” (Lesson-no-Tomosha Corp., 2009), a CD “Mot d’amour” (OVCX-00029, Octavia Records Inc., 2007), and book titled “Amazing Tips to Improve Your Violin Playing” (Part I, Lesson-no-Tomosha Corp., 2007, and Part II, Lesson-no-Tomosha Corp., 2009).