BIRDS CubeSat Deployment via J-SSOD#7

● (No.956) BIRDS CubeSat Deployment via J-SSOD#7 (2017年6月13日)


NET 16 June 2017, "NET" means for No Earlier Than.
437.375MHz FM, 1k2AFSK, 9k6GMSK
437.372MHz CW

> Release from the Japan/Kibo Space Station is scheduled on July 7, 2017
> with a time window from 9:00 am UTC to 10:15 am UTC.

BIRD-B (Bangladesh) = BRAC Onnesha         JG6YJS
BIRD-G (Ghana)      = GhanaSat-1/ANUSAT-1  JG6YJP
BIRD-J (Japan)      = Toki                 JG6YJO
BIRD-M (Mongolia)   = Mazaalai/NUMSAT-1    JG6YJQ
BIRD-N (Nigeria)    = EduSat-1             JG6YJR

BIRDS deployment live

放出衛星:九州工業大学「BIRDS」プロジェクト第1弾 超小型衛星 5機
「きぼう」 日本実験棟から放出される模様を中継。
放送予定日時:7月7日(金) 17:30~19:40(JST)
放出時間帯: 7月7日(金) 17:45~18:30(2回にわけて放出)

We'll broadcast of the small satellites deployment from Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo".
Date of broadcast:  Friday, July 7, 8:30-10:40(GMT)
Time of deployment: Friday, July 7, 8:45- 9:30(GMT) (to be deployed in 2 separated stages)
Satellites to be deployed: 5 CubeSats of "BIRDS Project" by Kyushu Institute of Technology
*Broadcast and deployment time may change due to mission situations.

The schedule is:
Time       Satellites               Location
#1 0900z   BIRD-J, BIRD-G, BIRD-M   over France
#2 0930z   BIRD-N, BIRD-B           over the south Indian ocean

Kyushu Institute of Technology "BIRDS Project"

BIRDS release successful


BIRDS all active

used TLE #42820 (Object U), RHCP
all signals are weak. M is the strongest.
(C)DK3WN #1, #2

BIRDS Digi Singer

With the quest of the BIRDS PROJECT to make significant contribution
tothe Amateur Radio Society, we offer to transmit songs of your preference
from our satellites. You can use this for your special community Programs.
We will upload your song to the satellites and transmit it from Space.
You we can do this by providing a MIDI file format of your song after
providing your information on this page.

BIRDS CW analysis

(C)BIRDS Project Team


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