

  A. Sの性質

  B. Vの種類

  C. Xの種類

  D1. 第1文型

  D2. 第2文型

  D3. 第3文型

  D4. 第4文型

  D5. 第5文型


A.修飾語句 1.副詞的修飾語句


B. 等位接続詞        

C. 名詞的なまとまり

     1.名詞句・節 → [括弧]
     2.形容詞句・節 → (括弧)
     3.副詞句・節 → <括弧>
         A and B ,
         not only A but also B
     5.省略・欠如部分 → ×




A.  Sの性質


<At midnight> he ran <away from home>.     [名詞]
[A good teacher] knows his or her subject well.     [名詞句]
[To walk in the morning] is healthy exercise.     [名詞句]
      cf.  <To walk in the morning> she gets up early every day.     <副詞句>
[Talking about it] will not solve the problem.     [名詞句]
[That you study English now] is a good idea.     [名詞節]
[What you say] is true.     [名詞節]

B.  Vの種類

1. 事柄が生じること、動作を対象(目的語)に及ぼすことを意味する動詞   〔動詞を〜で表す〕


Birds fly.    〔SV〕
The factory produces glass.   〔SVO〕
I have bought a house.    〔SVO〕

2. SとXを結び付けて(連結して)、SがXであることを意味する動詞  [動詞を=で表す]

S=X     〔SVC〕

I am a student.
Mary is charming.
He seems a reliable man.

C.  Xの種類

1. X=なし  〔SV〕

The door opened.

2. X=副詞的なもの=M   〔SVM /Mは副詞的な修飾語句で文型を考える場合にはカウントしない〕

John lives <in London>.
Tennis balls sell <best> <in summer>.

3. X=形容詞的なもの=C

Mary is very charming.
Everybody looks happy.

4. X=名詞的なもの=OまたはC

I am a student.    〔SVC〕
He cut his finger.    〔SVO〕

D1. 第1文型

+V+なし or +V+<M>

Flowers blossom <beautifully>.
The little flower open <at night>.
Mike swims <very well>.
George swims <in the pool> <every morning>.
He ran <to help her>.

  *ポイント: 文型を判別する場合に副詞や副詞句などの副詞的修飾語句Mは <  > で括り出す

        cf.  There V + S ... 構文も、倒置されたVとSだけを含むので第1文型と考える場合もあるが、

               There is a tall tree <in the garden>.
               There <once> lived <in Greece> a very wise man.
               There used to be a restaurant somewhere about here.

D2. 第2文型

S+V+C    (Cは主格補語)

1. 「SがCである」

      This book is interesting.
      We are high school students.
      My hobby is [to collect old coins].
      The best way is [for you to make efforts].
      He seemed disappointed.  ← He was disappointed.
      Our teacher looks old <for his age>.  ← Our teacher is old.
      Mr. Tanaka appears very rich.  ← Mr. Tanaka is very rich.
      I feel happy.  ← I am happy.
     This cloth feels rough.  ← This cloth is rough.
     His story sounds strange.  ← His story is strange.
     This cake tastes very nice.  ← This cake is very nice.
     The baby kept awake.  ← The baby was awake.
     She remained unmarried <all her life>.  ← She was unmarried.

2.  「SがCになる」

     English has become my favorite subject.
     I grew more and more uneasy <as the days passed>.
     The milk turned sour.
     He fell asleep <over his book>.
     I will never go bald.
     The rivers ran dry.
     Their attempt proved successful.    〔prove to be C の to be が省略〕
     [What they said] turned out true.   〔turn out to be C の to be が省略〕

3.  「SがCの状態で〜する」  (本来第1文型の動詞が付帯状況を表すCを伴う)

     A young child lay sleeping <in a cradle> <near the fire>.
     She sat <on the bed> brushing her hair.
     He stood godfather <to my first son>.   〔standの本来の意味は薄れてbe動詞に近い用法〕
     He died young.

   *ポイント: 意味上S=Cの関係が成り立ち、Cは名詞か形容詞

D3. 第3文型


My little brother watches television <every evening>.
The child resembles his father.
John married Mary.
Keep your change.
She runs a beauty parlor <in Tokyo>.
Did you remember [to lock the door]?
I remember [posting your letter].
He stopped [thinking of her].   (cf. He stopped <to think of her>.)
I like [to read in bed] but I don't like [having meals in bed].
We avoided [driving through large cities].
We cannot help [liking him] <in spite of his many faults>


D4. 第4文型


I wrote him a letter.  ← I wrote a letter <to him>.
Father taught us English.  ← Father taught English <to us>.
My uncle gave me this watch.  ← My uncle gave this watch <to me>.
Please get me some bread.  ← Please get some bread <for me>.
He found me a good job.  ← He found a good job <for me>.
His father left him a large fortune.
They denied us our rights.


D5. 第5文型


(OをCと名付ける, 呼ぶ)
   They named their boy Edward.
   People call him Ted.

(OをCにする, しておく)
   John made Mary his wife.
   Each girl kept her love a secret.
   Do not leave the door open.
   My answer made him angry.

(OをCだと気づく, 考える, 信じる)
   I found the book interesting.   (cf. I found an interesting book.)
   We believe him innocent.
   Everyone considers Shakespeare a great poet.

   Ken painted his bicycle pink.
   Mother cut my hair too short.
   She pushed the door shut.
   He threw the door open.
   He shouted himself hoarse.

   They wanted Mary to sing .
   I cannot allow you {to behave like that }.
   Will you help me {to translate this into English }.
   He persuaded his father {to consent to the plan }.
   I heard the bell {ring }.
   The hunter saw a bear {approach the river }.
   I made him {go by himself }.
   I had her {clean the room }.
   She saw someone {「standing in her doorway」and 「 holding a candle」 }.
   We saw old houses {pulled down one after another }.
   I could not make myself {understood in English.}




A. 修飾語句


I got up <early>. <副詞>
I got up <at seven> <this morning>. <副詞句> <副詞的目的格>
I got up <at seven> <because I had to do my homework>. <副詞句> <副詞節>
Apricots won't grow <where the winters are cold>. <副詞節>
I will go, <whether you come with me or stay at home>. <副詞節>
I got up <early> <to catch the train>. <副詞> <副詞節(不定詞の副詞的用法)>
<Walking along the street>, I met an old friend of mine. <副詞句(分詞の副詞的用法=分詞構文)>

*上の例文では、単純な副詞から、副詞句・副詞節とだんだんと大きなまとまりが付加される過程を列挙してみた。複文とは、副詞が置かれる位置に文を含む副詞節が置かれた文のことである。副詞的なまとまりは、尖った括弧 <> で括ることにする。副詞的なまとまりを導く目印(まとまりの先頭に置かれる)を整理すると、次のようになる。

  1. 前置詞(at, in, etc.): S+V・・・<前置詞+名詞>
  2. 従属接続詞(if, when, etc.): S+V・・・<従属接続詞 S+V・・・>
  3. 不定詞(to〜): S+V・・・<to〜・・・>
  4. 分詞(〜ing, 〜ed:分詞構文): S+V・・・<〜ing・・・>



Before I had a television set I found the broadcasts of news, through sound only, quite satisfactory. I do not, today, find the anouncer's face, whether that of a pretty young woman or that of a well-known sportsman, a help to better understanding.


I found the broadcasts of news satisfactory. I do not find the anouncer's face a help to better understanding.

上の2文は単純な第5文型である。文頭のBeforeからsetまでの副詞節は分かりやすいが、through sound onlyとwhether...sportsmanの副詞句と副詞節はOとCの間に挿入されて全体の文型を掴みにくくしている。ある程度のレベルの英文を速読する場合、このような挿入句を軽く読み飛ばして、文の骨格となる部分に注目するようにすればよい。挿入句はペアになったカンマやダッシュによって他の骨格部と区別される。




Change in the whole social system is inevitable not merely because conditions change--though partly for that reason--but because people themselves change.

*ポイント:上の英文は、not merely A but B (=not only A but also B 「AだけでなくBも」)という相関語句を用いて、2つのbecause節が付加された英文である。

Change (in the whole social system) is inevitable not merely <because conditions change--though partly for that reason--> but <because people themselves change>.

上の英文では、Change is inevitable とまず見えることが肝要である。括弧で括られた句・節や挿入部はあくまでも二次的な情報であり、そこから解釈してはいけない。英語では、情報は骨格となる英文とそれに付加される句・節・挿入部という単位で与えられる。つまり、英文の構成法と情報の与えられ方が合致しており、二次的三次的情報は必ず句・節・挿入部という形で追加される。複雑で読みにくい英文ほどこのような追加情報が多く、英文を一語一語ばらばらに解体するのではなく、句・節・挿入部を固まりとしてとらえた上で骨格部分(5文型)を見極めていくことで、どのような英文も読み解けるはずである。




The (young) girl can swim very well. (形容詞)
The girl (at the poolside) can swim very well. (形容詞句)
The girl (who is standing over there) can swim very well. (形容詞節)
I remember the house (where I was born). (形容詞節)
Give me something (to eat). (形容詞句=不定詞の形容詞的用法)
The bus (coming from that direction) goes to the city hall. (形容詞句=分詞の形容詞的用法)


  1. 前置詞(at, in, etc.): S(前置詞+名詞)+V・・・.
  2. 関係詞(who, when, that, etc.): S(関係詞 S+V・・・)+V・・・.
  3. 不定詞(to〜): S(to〜・・・)+V・・・.
  4. 分詞(〜ing, 〜ed:分詞の形容詞的用法): S(〜ing・・・)+V・・・.



We can appreciate the work of foreign authors, living in the same world as ourselves, and expressing their vision of it in another language.


foreign authors (living in ... ourselves) and (expressing their ... language)

上の丸括弧で囲まれた部分が形容詞句で、foreign authorsを後置修飾している。




A job might seem undesirable to someone viewing it from outside, but to the person working at it, it is a livelihood.


someone (viewing it from outside)
the person (working at it)





I believe that there are a number of questions that it is no use our asking, because they can never be answered.


questions (that it is no use our asking×, because they can ...answered)




B. 等位接続詞(and, but, or, so, for)

「you」and 「I」 (名詞 + 名詞)
He works 「by day」and 「by night」. (前置詞句 + 前置詞句)
He 「works by day」and 「studies by night」. (述部 + 述部)
「He works by day」and 「she works by night」. (文章 + 文章)
I didn't know whether 「to tell her」 or 「to keep it to myself」. (不定詞句 + 不定詞句)
He is not only 「friendly」 but 「hospitable」. (形容詞 + 形容詞)
I was getting nervous, for 「it was time to leave」 and 「I was still waiting for an answer」. (文章 + 文章)

*「x  A   」and「y  B   」:AとBは文法的に対等な語・句・節などである。並列されているのが句や節の場合、それぞれのまとまりの先頭に来ている語(xとy)に特徴がある。したがって等位接続詞の直後に来るyに注目して、前に同じもの(x)を探すことで基本的な等位構造(共通構文)を見極めることができる

「Stan washed」 and 「Naomi wiped」 the dishes.
「I prefer Beethoven」 and 「Jim Brahms」.

*上の第1例は正確に並列されている部分を見極めることで、the dishesが動詞に対する共通の目的語になっていることがわかる。しかし、第2例の構造は分かりにくい。視点を変えて省略という観点から下のように語句を補うと分かりやすい。

「Stan washed (the dishes)」 and 「Naomi wiped the dishes」.
「I prefer Beethoven」 and 「Jim (prefers) Brahms」.



We can produce electricity when we like, and use it so as to make it our servant.
  1. likeとuseが並列されている考えた場合の文構造
    We can produce electricity <when we 「like」, and 「use it so as to make it our servant」>.
  2. produceとuseが並列されていると考えた場合の文構造
    We can 「produce electricity <when we like>」, and 「use it so as to make it our servant」.




Our landlord neither liked the way we had redecorated the flat nor approved of the people we invited.
*ポイント:neither A nor B というイディオムが絡んだ共通構文。等位接続詞norの直後のapprovedに注目して前に同じものを探すと、redecoratedとlikedが見つかる。この英文の場合、neitherが指標となるのでlikedとapprovedが並列されていることが確認できる。
Our landlord neither 「liked the way we had redecorated the flat」 nor 「approved of the people we invited」.


The difference between the great critic and the common person is chiefly that the great critic knows how to read, and that the common person does not.
*ポイント:1つ目のandの並列はbetween A and Bという枠組みの中で簡単に処理できる。問題は2つ目のandの処理。直後のthatに注目して、前に同じものを探すと...is chiefly that...が見つかる。つまり、be動詞の補語になるthatに導かれる名詞節がandによって並列されている。
The difference (between 「the great critic」 and 「the common person」) is chiefly [that the great critic knows how to read], and [that the common person does not know how to read].


Most people take water for granted. They think of water as free and the supply as inexhaustible.
*ポイント:think of A as B (=regard A as B, look upon A as B 「AをBとみなす」)というイディオムが含まれる英文であるが、A as Bの部分の並列に気づかなければ文意が正確にはつかめない。andの直後のthe supplyはwaterと並列されたofの目的語である。
They think of 「water as free」 and 「the supply as inexhaustible」.

C. 名詞的なまとまり=名詞句・名詞節

[The wounded and dying] were left <on the field>.(名詞句が主語)
[To climb steep hills] requires [slow pace] <at first>.(名詞句が主語と目的語)
[Eating in a restaurant] is far more expensive than [eating at home].(名詞句が主語)
cf. <Eating in a restaurant>, I met an old friend of mine.(副詞句=分詞構文)
[Whether we shall go to him or he will come to us] will not matter much.(名詞節が主語)
cf. <Whether he succeeds or fails>, we shall have to do our part.(副詞節)
He refused [my offer of help].(名詞句が目的語)
He refused [to accept their proposal].(名詞句が目的語)


1. 冠詞・所有格・限定詞 ( an, the, my, this, some, etc.)

She is remembered as [a quiet, serious, neatly-dressed and gloomed girl].

*ポイント:冠詞があれば、名詞を探せ。= 先頭にある冠詞が標識となるまとまり(名詞句)

[The timid and hesitating] find everything impossible, <because it seems so>.

*ポイント:the + 形容詞 = 形容詞 + people = 名詞句

2. 不定詞 ( to 〜 )

[To see the faults of others] is easy, but [to find those of your own] is hard.
Remember [to see her this coming Saturday].

*ポイント:不定詞の名詞的用法 = 先頭の to が標識となるまとまり(名詞句)

3. 動名詞 ( 〜ing )

[Driving in the country on a fine spring day] is more pleasant than anything.
I remember [seeing her somewhere before].

*ポイント:動名詞 = 先頭にある 〜ing が標識となるまとまり(名詞句)

4. 従属接続詞(名詞節を導く)

  1. [that S V ...]
    [That he will succeed] is certain. = It is certain [that he will succeed]. (Itは形式主語)
    The fact is [that I have no money with me].
    He said [that he would come to Japan this fall].
    She wanted to conceal the fact [that she knew it]. (同格の名詞節)
    cf. She wanted to conceal the fact (that she knew). (thatは関係代名詞で形容詞節を導く)
  2. [if S V ...], [whether S V ...]
    [Whether he will succeed or not] is doubtful. = It is doubtful [whether he will succeed or not]. (Itは形式主語)
    The question is [whether we can finish it in a day].
    I asked him [if he had ever been abroad].
    Let me know [if she is coming].
    cf. Let me know <if she is coming>. (ifは副詞節を導く)

    *ポイント:先頭にある that, if, whether が標識となるまとまり(名詞節)

5. 疑問詞

  1. [疑問詞 + to 不定詞] (名詞句)
    Do you know [where to get a ticket]?
    [How to begin] is more difficult than [where to stop].
  2. 間接疑問文 (名詞節)
    I don't know [who that old man is].
    [Who will be elected president] is a matter of deep concern of the nation.
    [When he left] is still a mystery.
    cf. <When he left>, his name was still a mystery. (whenは副詞節を導く)


6. 関係詞

  1. 先行詞がない関係詞
    I don't know [what you study now].(勉強している内容がわからない)
    cf. I don't know [that you study now].(学生であることを知らない)
    Is [my understanding of [what you said]] correct?
    [What is most important in modern society] is freedom of speech.
    He made me [what I am].
    He is not [what he was].
    I will do [whatever I can to help you].
  2. 先行詞が省略された関係詞
    He walked to [the place (where she was waiting)].
    I was able to see him from [where I was hiding].
    Night is [when most people go to bed].



  1. 冠詞・所有格・this, some, etc.: S+V+[冠詞・・・名詞].
  2. 不定詞(名詞的用法): S+V+[to〜・・・].
  3. 動名詞: S+V+[〜ing・・・].
  4. 従属接続詞(that, whether, if): S+V+[従属接続詞+S+V・・・].
  5. 疑問詞(how, why, when, ets.):S+V+[疑問詞+(S)+V・・・].
  6. 関係詞(what, whatever, etc.):S+V+[関係詞+(S)+V・・・].

That scientific progress has been wonderful cannot be denied, but that it gives us the right to look upon ourselves as most highly civilized people is doubtful.

*ポイント:この英文に含まれる2つのthatに注目しなければならない。どちらも名詞節を導く接続詞なので、[  ]括弧で括り出すと英文構成が分かりやすくなる。この文章は接続詞butで並列された2つの英文で構成され、前半は受動態、後半は第2文型で、それぞれ[  ]括弧で括り出した部分が主語になっている。

[That scientific progress has been wonderful] cannot be denied, but [that it gives us the right to look upon ourselves as most highly civilized people] is doubtful.




You know from reading older literature that English has changed greatly in the centuries during which it has been written. A play by Shakespeare needs a good many notes to tell us what some of the words meant to those who first heard the play over 350 years ago. If we go back far enough, English looks like a foreign language.

*ポイント:第1文は全体的には第3文型である。that節がknowの目的語になっている。fromが導く前置詞句が目的語より前に出て倒置されて、SVMOの語順になっている。また、that節の内部ではwhichが導く形容詞節がcenturiesを修飾している。第2文では、to tell以下の不定詞が導くまとまりがnotesを修飾している。 また、このまとまりの内部ではwhatが導く名詞節がtellの目的語になっている。

You know <from reading older literature> [that English has changed greatly in the centuries (during which it has been written)]. A play by Shakespeare needs a good many notes (to tell us [what some of the words meant to those (who first heard the play over 350 years ago)]).

