Tsetse Fly

Tanzania 1987Ethiopia 2009Kenya 2011
Tsetse Fly
Glossina palpalis
Tsetse Fly
Glossina morsitans
Tsetse Fly
Glossina morsitans
Poland 1978Gabon 1983Ethiopia 2009
Tsetse Fly
Glossina palpalis
Tsetse Fly
Glossina glossina
Tsetse Fly(Bottom)
Glossina morsitans

Tsetse Fly

Tsetse fly carries out the medium of TORIPANOZOMA which is the pathogenic organ of sleeping sickness, and it is distributed over only the range of about 1,500km2 among ranges from lat. 15 degrees N of the African Continent to lat. 20 degrees S. Therefore the range of this latitude is called a Tsetsebelt zone. The way of speaking stiffens and becomes the letter of stitch and becomes shape suitable for sucking blood. The stamp describing this tsetse fly is issued from African countries.

1954 Dr. Jamot birth 75-year commemoration Cameroon

1979 Dr. Jamot birth 100-year commemoration Cameroon1979 Dr. Jamot birth 100-year commemoration Gabon1979 Dr. Jamot birth 100-year commemoration Upper Volta

Tsetse fly(Glossina palpalis) which a Jamot Vainqeur (1879-1937) is the investigator of sleeping sickness, and carries out the medium of TORIPANOZOMA which is the pathogenic organ to a stamp is drawn.

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