Two kinds of 5 kinds / One kinds of 10 kinds / Two kinds of 6 kinds have been obtained

Black Widow Spider
Latrodectus mactans
Japanese Foliage Spider
Chiracanthium japonicum
Winged Thecacera
Thecacera pennigera
Viviparous Scorpion
Liocheles australasiae
Five Keeled Gold Scorpion
Leiurus quinquestriatus

Three kinds of 6 kinds have been obtained

Barreleye Fish
Macropinna microstoma
Cusk Eel
Abyssobrotula galatheae
Deep-sea Blob Sculpin
Psychrolutes phrictus

Four kinds of 6 kinds have been obtained

Pacific Hatchetfish
Argyropelecus affinis
Pelican Eel
Eurypharynx pelecanoides
Abyssal Cusk Eel
Spectrunculus grandis
Hadal Snailfish
Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis

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