Callipogon Longhorn

Republic of Korea 1966El Salvador 1994Belize 1995
Asian Callipogon Longhorn Beetle
Callipogon relictus
Callipogon Longhorn Beetle
Callipogon barbatus
Callipogon Longhorn Beetle
Callipogon senex
Fiji 1987Republic of Suriname 1993Mongolia 1991
Xixuthrus Longhorn Beetle
Xixuthrus heros
Macrodontia Longhorn Beetle
Macrodontia cervicornis
Macrodontia Longhorn Beetle
Macrodontia cervicornis
Portuguese Guinea 1953Chili 1995Peru 2007Czechoslovakia 1992
Acanthophorus Longhorn Beetle
Acanthophorus maculatus
Acanthophorus Longhorn Beetle
Acanthinodera eummingi
Titan Longhorn Beetle
Titanus giganteus
Ergates Longhorn Beetle
Ergates faber
Grenada Grenadines 1990MontSerrat 1994Belize 1995
Harlequin Beetle
Acrocinus longimanus
Harlequin Beetle
Acrocinus longimanus
Harlequin Beetle
Acrocinus longimanus

Callipogon relictus is called Callipogon and its greatest Callipogon almitaras (male length of about 11cm) is in a friend in Longhorn beetle. Although it was the kind it was presupposed that was lived only in the valley in the South America Amazon River, kind discovery was carried out from the Usury district in Far East Russia the front for about 70 years, and sensation was created in academic circles. This is Callipogon relictus. Argument sprang among scholars why it would be distributed over the remote place beyond the Pacific Ocean. However, it seems that it is appropriate like Stag beetle to consider the preexisted type of old days. That is, the friend of Callipogon relictus also was widely distributed over the Eurasian Continent or the U.S. continent, and he was prosperous. However, according to some factors, probably several kinds were exterminated and only Callipogon relictus remained at last in Asia.
Callipogon is large-sized longhorn beetle with a developed large jaw just like Stag beetle whose length is 8cm - 13 cm. If it is offensive and is going to touch, it is going to bite by this large jaw. A female large jaw is also large, using this large jaw, the diameter of about 2cm bites off the branch of a certain tree, and an egg is produced there.
The length of Acrocinus longimanus is as large-sized as 6cm - 8 cm, and it has the form which changed the forelimb very long. The pattern of the back is also unique and an English name is called hurricane beetle. Especially a male forelimb is long, and when copulating, in order to win a female, it uses. The living thing which made the back of Acrocinus longimanus a form like small scorpion called crab insect has ridden in many cases. It is said that crab insect uses Acrocinus longimanus instead of an airplane.

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