Insect Stamp of Tanzania

Tanzania exists in the eastern part of the African Continent and is bordered by Kenya and Mozambique and Kilimanjaro of 5,895m rises and holds Lake Victoria. It became German dependency in the 19th century, and began British rule after the World War I, but it became independent in 1961, and possessing it with Tanganyika republic in the next year. The mainland and the alliance of Zanzibar were formed in 1964, and it was changed to the United Republic of Tanzania.
Four kinds of insect stamps and one kind of small sheets were published from Tanzania in 1987. Actual issue is 1987 although issue name of an era is printed by the stamp itself with 1986.
Four kinds of grasshopper stamps and one piece of small seat including six kinds of grasshopper stamps and one piece of small seat including one kind of grasshopper stamp were issued in 2011.

1987.4.22 Insect Stamp
Western Honeybee
Apis mellifera
Greater Grain-boring Beetle
Xyleborus xyleborus
Tsetse Fly
Glossina palpalis
Social Wasp
Polistes polistes
Malaria Mosquito
Anopheles anopheles

2011.4.15 Grasshopper Stamp
Short Horned Grasshopper
Truxalis sp.
Common Milkweed Locust
Phymateus morbillosus
Common Stick Grasshopper
Acrida acuminate
Red Locust
Nomadacris septemfasciata
African Migratory Locust
Locusta migratoria
Foam Locust
Dictyophorus spumans
African Bush Locust
Phymateus viridipes
Edible Grasshopper
Homorochoryphus nitidulus
African Mole Cricket
Gryllotalpa africana
Green Bush Cricket
Tettigonia viridissima
Elegant Grasshopper
Zonocerus elegans

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