Insect Stamp of British Pitcairn Islands

British Pitcairn Islands are the end of Pacific south, and a solitary island in Tahiti located further 2200km southeast. It was known as an island where the rebellion persons of the British warship Bauntea who got up in 1789 hid out, and the posterity was discovered by chance in 1808. An area of 5 square kilometers to which the half-breed persons of the Europe system white and the people from Tahiti completed original society to the uninhabited island It is a small, small mini state with a population of 73.
Five kinds of the insect stamps were issued from these British Pitcairn Islands in 1975.

British Pitcairn Islands
1975.11.9 Insect Stamp
Pitcairn Wasp
Polistes jadwigae
Euconocephalus euconocephalus
Moth of North America
Anomis flava
Noctuid Moth
Chasmina tibialis
Globe Skimmer
Pantala flavescens
Hawk Moth
Gnathothlibus erotus

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