
Tanzania 1994Republic of Congo 1999Singapore 2011Republic of Zaire 1996
Eurypelma sp.
Red-kneed Tarantula
Brachypelma smithii
Pond Wolf Spider
Pardosa pseudoannulata
Green Lynx Spider
Peucetia viridans
Forkland Islands Dependencies 1982Micronesia 2002USA 1999Chad 1972
Sheet-web Weaver
Natiomaso australis
Black Widow Spider
Latrodectus mactans
Black Widow Spider
Latrodectus mactans
Senegal Orb weaving Spider
Nephila senegalense
Cote d'Ivoire 1984Chad 1972Lesotho 2002United States of America 1999
Orb Web Spider
Argiope sector
Orb Web Spider
Argiope sector
Wasp Spider
Argiope bruennichii
Yellow Garden Spider
Argiope aurantia
Tanzania 1994Falkland Islands 1984Falkland Islands 1984Tanzania 1994
Jeweled Araneas
Araneus sp.
Green Spider(juvenile)
Araneus cinnabarinus
Green Spider
Araneus cinnabarinus
Garden Spider
Araneus diadematus
Tanzania 1994United States of America 1999Tanzania 1994
Orbweaving Spider
Micrathena sp.
Spinybacked Spider
Gasteracantha cancriformis
Huntsman Spider
Micrommata rosea
Iceland 2009Romania 1993United States of America 1999Tanzania 1994
Raven Spider
Gnaphosa lapponum
Lascona cristiani
Jumping Spider
Habronattus americanus
Jumping Spider
Salticus sp.

Australia 2015 SILVERSanMarino 1975 ALUMINUM
Red Back Spider
Latrodectus hasselti
Orb Web Spider

Trapdoor Spider
Ryuthela nishihirai
Red-Rump Tarantula
Brachypelma vagans
Black Widow Spider
Latrodectus mactans
Orb Web Spider
Argiope amoena
Flower Spider
Diaea variabilis
Japanese Foliage Spider
Chiracanthium japonicum
Adanson's House Jumper
Hasarius adansoni

Generally, the Arthropods contrasted with an insect in many cases is Spider. The difference from Insecta is taught that Spiders of the number of legs, i.e., the leg of an insect, is eight in six in many cases. It is not impossible that many legs, such as Centipede with many legs, are not set as the comparative object from the start, either, so that a form is completely different at a glance and it does not count and go out. When it sees systematically, Spider is the animal which was widely distantly insect different compared with many legs. Appearance resembles the insect somehow from many legs, because there is much what is living a life ecologically diversified in the near environment.
If it sees from the far and near relation on system evolution, the living sworn brothers near Araneae(Spiders) will be Xiphosurida(Horseshoe Crabs). Subsequently, it is the Trilobita(Trilobites) which the cousin exterminated again. If it says in the distance of an insect and spider, an insect will say rather that it goes back to a trilobite for being a close relationship and tying with spider from Centipede (many legs).

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