Jewel Longhorn

Central Africa 1962
Brundi 1970 Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Sternotomis virescens
Democratic Republic of Congo 1971
Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Sternotomis bohemani
Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Sternotomis gama
Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Sternotomis virescens
Republic of Gabon 1978Republic of Congo 1971Mozambique 1978Mozambique 1997
Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Sternotomis mirabilis
Lesser Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Sternotomis variabilis
Tragiscoschema Longhorn Beetle
Tragiscoschema nigroscriptum
Tragiscoschema Longhorn Beetle
Tragiscoschema bertolonii
Mozambique 1978Mozambique 1997Madagascar 1988Spanish Guinea 1953
Tragocephala Longhorn Beetle
Tragocephala variegata
Tragocephala Longhorn Beetle
Tragocephala ducalis
Tragocephala Longhorn Beetle
Tragocephala crassicornis
Tragocephala Longhorn Beetle
Tragocephala nobilis
Chad 2012Mozambique 1997
Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Zographus regalis
Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Zographus hieroglyphicus

The Longhorn beetles of Ethiopian region are long length, beautiful color.
A kind of Jewel longhorm of Central Africa Stornotomis virescens (1962) is a failure of a color to print, and its thing (1971) of Congo democratic republic issue is righter.

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