Insect Stamp of Chad

Chad is the fifth big country in the African Continent, but a cultivated area area to occupy to a land area is 2.5%, and most are landlocked countries occupied in desert and the forest area. Explorers such as a Briton or the French visited Chad where there was a kingdom of a native in the 19th century, and it showed a stronger afterward French rule, and it was admitted into French Equatorial Africa in 1910. It became independent in 1960, but it began for an opposition of the northern part and the southern part afterwards, and struggle for power in the government developed in the civil war that, besides, rolled up French militaries vs. Libya force other countries. It agreed a provisional cease-fire in 1987, and the political situation was stable recently.
Four kinds of series which drew a moth was issued from Chad in 1968.
Five kinds of the stamps of an insect and a spider were issued from Chad in 1972. An insect is drawn on three kinds of small amounts, and the spider is drawn on two kinds of large amounts.
Four kinds of insect stamps were issued in 1974.
Eight kinds of stamps of a mushroom and an insect were issued in 2012.

1968.10.1 Normal Stamp
Crimson speckled Moth
Utetheisa pulchella
Fruit Piercing Moth
Othreis materna
Speckled Emperor Moth
Gynanisa maja
Pamina Moth
Epiphora bauhiniae

1972.5.6 Normal Stamp
Blister Beetle
Gorrizia dubiosa
Africa Rhinoceros Beetle
Oryctes boas
Hemistigma albipunctata

1974.9.3 Normal Stamp
Jewel Beetle
Sternocera hoschecki
Robber Fly
Hyperechia bomboides
Cuckoo Wasp
Chrysis chrysis
Giant Longhorn Beetle
Tithoes confinis

2012.9.3 Mushroom & Insect Stamp
Blister Beetle
Mylabris sp.
Jewel Longhorn Beetle
Zographus regalis
Matabele Ant
Megaponera foetens
Whistle Cricket
Eugaster spinulosa
Orange-winged Dropwing
Trithemis kirbyi
Black-winged Widow
Palpopleura lucia
African Desert Locust
Schistocerca gregaria
Ant Lion Fly

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