Walking Tour from Shibuya to Harajuku


Shibuya,one of the most popular places among young people,
can be conveniently reached from JR line,some Tokyu lines,Subway lines.
Along the Streets are depertment stores,movie theaters,fast food stores,
composing an amusement quarter,
and offers a wide range of restaurants for all tastes and price categories.

Meiji Shrine Meiji Shrine yoyogiNational Yoyogi Stadium

Yoyogi ParkYoyogi Park

Harajuku used to be a quiet station for visiters to Meiji Shrine
(The sanctuary dedicated to the Meiji Emperor and his consort.),
but it has changed drastically into the center for what is called Harajuku Fashion.
Bothe sides of the main road leading from Omotesando Subway Station
are lined with colorful boutiques,cafes,restaurants,and oter stylish shops.
The teen fashion center lines on Takesita-dori,
a narrow alley crammed with little boutiques.
(1 min.on foot from Harajuku Station, and 20min. on foot from Shibuya Station.)
Omotesando Omotesando Street

Tokyo Journey