The Chronological Table of
the World History of Disability on Quads

The History of Disability on Quads

The Chronological Table of the World History of Disability on Quads

1950's in Denmark,the idea of normaraization was born.

1963's in Japan,homehelp service system started.

1972's in Berkeley of california USA,ED Roberts and his colleague
founded the center for independent living in Berkeley.
1978's in Japan,Japanese government began to provide motor chair
to Quads.

The year for

1980's in Japan,and USA, ordinary citizen word processor and
PC appeared in the market that ordinary citizen could buy.

1981's in Japan, JSRD program had started.

1985-86 in Japan and USA, Kazuo Seike went to the USA to study
and research the attendant and service program,and independant
living movement in the USA.

1986's in Japan, the national system estabulished for a basic
pension disability and the special physically handicapped person

1989's in Japan, the Gold plan(the national attenndant program
for elderly people) was made.

1989's in Japan, WQ journal started to be edited and pubulished.

1990's in the USA, ADA(the act of Americans with disabilities)
was legislated.

1994,s in Japan The new Gold plan(the national attendant program
for elderly people)was made.

1995's in Japan and USA, windouws 95 was started for sale and
the PC that can be connected to the internet appeared in the market,
and the PC price was decreazed.

1995's in Japan, the national plan for the people with disabilities
was made.

1996's in Japan and the world, The WQH[P was started to produce and

2000's in Japan, the national program of the nursing care insurance
system was enforced.

This "WORKING QUADS" homepage
aimes to support
Intellectual Working of the Quadriplegics
making good Use of Technology
who need Attendant Services.
October 3, 1997
Kazuo Seike