1. Sums of divisors

Let integer n be factorized as

n = p1e1 * p2e2 * ... * pkek

then the sum of divisors of n is represented as the following formula,

σ(n) = a1 * a2 * ... * ak


ak = pkek+1 - 1
pk - 1


pkek+1 - 1 = pkek + ... + pk2 + pk + 1
pk - 1

so if n=pe then

σ(n) = pe + ... + p2 + p + 1.

When we compute the sum of divisors during factorization of n,
this formula is more easy to handle. The algorithm is following,

  1. Let w=1 (σ(n) is stored in w).
  2. p=prmdiv(n)
  3. If p|n then
    w = w*p+1
    n = n/p
  4. If p does not divide n then terminate.
  5. The value pe + ... + p2 + p + 1 is stored in w.
  6. goto 2.

The value of σ(n) where n = p1e1 * p2e2 * ... * pkek
is calculated by the following procedure.

  1. Let s=1 (σ(n) is stored in s).
  2. Let p be the smallest divisor of n.
  3. If p=1 then terminate.
  4. repeat 1. through 4. of above procedure.
  5. If the condition 3. is held, let
    s = s * w.
  6. goto 2.

The program is following.

10   fnSigma(N)
20   local S,W,P
30   S=1
40   W=1:P=prmdiv(N)
50   if N@P=0 then W=W*P+1:N=N\P:goto 50 else S=S*W
60   if N>1 then 40 else return(S)

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E-mail : kc2h-msm@asahi-net.or.jp
Hisanori Mishima