Insect Stamp of Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands consists of Ratak and Ralik chain islands and holds Bikini Atoll that became the place of the nuclear test of the United States from 1940s through 1950s. Magellan visited a shore in 1521 and became the territory of Spain from the 17th century, and it became a German protectorate from the 19th century. Via each Japanese League of Nations mandate after World War I, United Nations trust territory of the United States after World War II, it started autonomous government in 1979. It shifted to Jiyurengo with the United States which the United States acted for about security, the peace and order maintenance in 1986 and became independent.
The small sheet where it drew nine kinds of insects and three kinds of plants on from this Marshall Islands is issued in 2011.

Republic of Marshall Islands
2011.5.28 Insect Stamp
Great Eggfly
Hypolimnas bolina
Seven-spotted Ladybird
Coccinella septempunctata
Emperor Dragonfly
Anax imperator
Magpie Moth
Abraxas grossulariata
Wart-Biter Bush Cricket
Decticus verrucivorus

Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui
Buff-tailed Bumble Bee
Bombus terrestris
European Stag Beetle
Lucanus cervus
Large Tortoiseshell
Nymphalis polychloros

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