Czech 2014Guinea 1987Philippines 1979Uganda 1991
Marsican Brown Bear
Ursus arctos
Cave Bear
Ursus spelaeus
Malayan Civet Cat
Viverra tangalunga
Marsh Mongoose
Atilax paludinosus
Paraguay 1972India 1963China 2000
Red Coati
Nasua socialis
Lesser Panda
Ailurus fulgens
Giant Panda
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Philippines 1979Monaco 1970Japan 1974Chili 1948
Asiatic Dwarf Otter
Amblovx cinerae
European Otter
Lutra lutra
Japanese Otter
Lutra lutra whiteleyi
Southern River Otter
Lontra provocax
England 1977Democratic Republic of Germany 1962Chili 1948Japan 2013
Eurasian Badger
Meles meles
European common weasel
Mustela nivalis
Striped Skunk
Mephitis chilensis
Martes zibellina

Polar Bear
Ursus maritimus

Asiatic Black Bear
Selenarctos thibetanus
Marsican Brown Bear
Ursus arctos
Polar Bear
Ursus maritimus
Giant Panda
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Common Raccoon
Procyon lotor
Masked Palm Civet
Paguma larvata
Suricata suricatta
Japanese Marten(Winter)
Martes melampus
Martes zibellina brachyura
Eurasian Badger
Meles meles anakuma
Japanese Otter
Lutra lutra whiteleyi
Sea Otter
Enhydra lutris
Japanese Weasel
Mustela itatsi
European Polecat
Mustela putorius

The tooth of Carnivora develops with an incisor, a cuspid, a molar tooth together, and the cuspid is in particular big and sharp, and becomes a powerful weapon. The molar tooth has suitable form and coming together than it rub food down to cut meat. The upper jaw moves only in the direction of the top and bottom, and power the muscle of the chin develops, and to savor is strong. The mouth is split greatly, too and is convenient to jump to join in a take.

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