Insect Stamp of Montserrat

Montserrat is the small british country in West Indies.
Four kinds of dragonfly stamps were issued from this Montserrat in 1983.
16 kinds of insect stamps containing six kinds of butterfles and moths were issued in 1992. It was set to favorite one with the ecological design.
Four kinds of beetle stamps and one small sheet of one kind of beetles were issued in 1994. The ecological design is drawn to the punch hole portion and this was also set to favorite one.

1983.1.19 Dragonfly Stamp
Lepthemis vesiculosa
Orthemis ferruginea
Phantom Darner
Triacanthagyna trifida
Band-winged Dragonlet
Erythrodiplax umbrata

1992.8.20 Insect Stamp
Psophus stridutus
Field Cricket
Gryllus campestris
Lepthemis vesiculosa
Orthemis ferruginea
Common Pond Skater
Gerris lacustris
Cigaretto Leaf rolling weevil
Byctiscus betulae
Texas Leaf-cutter Ant
Atta texana
Golden Paper Wasp
Polistes fuscatus
Bee Fly
Sparmopolius fuluvus
Common Lacewing
Chrysopa carnea
Orange-barred Sulphur
Phoebis philea
Painted Lady
Cynthia cardui
Bella Moth
Utetheisa bella
Plume Moth
Alucita pentadactyla
White Peacock
Anartia jatrophae
Postman Butterfly
Heliconius melpomene

1994.1.21 Beetle Stamps
Metalic Beetle
Carabus hispanus
Click Beetle
Chalcolepidius porcatus
Harlequin Beetle
Acrocinus longimanus
Longleg Scarab Beetle
Chrysophora chrysochlora
Phanaeus Scarab Beetle
Phanaeus mexicanus

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