Insect Stamp of Hungary

An Asian Magyar built a Hungary kingdom in the end of the 9th century. The 16th century begins and is governed by Ottoman Turkey, and a follower of the Austria House of Hapsburg will receive it after the 18th century. It formed the House of Hapsburg and Austria-Hungary empire in 1867 and achieved virtual independence. However, an empire collapsed after World War I, and it was occupied with World War II by the Soviet Union and became a socialist state as a people's republic in 1949. Hungarian uprising occurred in 1956, and the Soviet Union intervened militarily. A rapid progress reformist held an experiment in 1989 after 30 years, and communism collapsed and was rebeared in Europe model social democracy, and the name of a country became the Republic of Hungary.
Hungary had issued a lot of stamps once with Poland of the old Communist block, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, etc. The stamp describing the design of a certain theme especially called so-called topical, such as an animal, pictures, and a vehicle, was simultaneously issued by the set many kinds.
Since ten kinds of first long sets were published also about insect stamp in 1954, the long set has been repeatedly published with 1959 (seven kinds), 1965 (nine kinds), 1969 (eight kinds), 1974 (seven kinds), 1980 (six kinds), and 1984 (seven kinds). Here, the first series, six-kind flower and insect set in 1980, are introduced.

1954.2.5 Insect Stamp
Garden Chafer
Polyphylla fullo
Oak Longhorn Beetle
Cerambyx cerdo
European Hornet
Vespa crabro
Cleonus punctiventris
Apple Leaf Weevil
Rhynchites bacchus
Ground Beetle
Zabrus tenebroides
Great Silver Water Beetle
Hydrophilus piceus
Field Cricket
Gryllus campestris
European Rhinoceros Beetle
Oryctes nasicornis
European Stag Beetle
Lucanus cervus

1980.1.25 Flower & Insect
Chequered Beetle
Trichodes apiarius
Garden Bumble Bee
Bombus hortorum
Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta
Common Rose Chafer
Cetonia aurata
Graphosoma lineatum
Tiger Longhorn Beetle
Chlorophorus varius

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