Insect Stamp of Gambia

Gambia is the west end of the African Continent country of a population of 1,000,000 people, 10000 square km, and is surrounded by Senegal except one copy facing the Atlantic. In 1821 years Gambia has become The British colony neighbor, afterwards than 100 years Gambia was put under the control of the U.K. as a base of slave trade. It achieved independence in 1965 and shifted to republican form of government for 1970 years.
One piece of small seat comprising six kinds of insect stamps was issued in 2003 by this Gambia.
Four kinds of beetle stamps and one piece of small seat comprising one kind of beetle stamp were issued in 2012.
Four kinds of bee stamps were issued in 2013.

Republic of Gambia
2003.1.1 Insect Stamp
Shield-backed Bug
Callidae panaethiopica
Emperor Dragonfly
Anax imperator
Cotton Stainer
Dysdercus voelkeri
Praying Mantid
Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi
Ruspolia differens
Bush Locust
Zonocerus elegans

2012.12.31 Beetle Stamp
Fiery Searcher Beetle
Calosoma scrutator
Blue Milkweed Beetle
Chrysochus cobaltinus
Locust Borer Beetle
Cyllene robiniae
Grapevine Beetle
Pelidnota punctata
Banded Alder Beetle
Rosalia funebris

2013.4.29 Bee Stamps
Western Honeybee
Apis mellifera
Tunisian Honeybee
Apis mellifera intermissa
Afiricanized Honeybee
Apis mellifera scutellata
Saharan Honeybee
Apis mellifera sahariensis

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