Vietnam 1980Cuba 1998Australian Antarctic territory 2006Faroe Islands 2006
Largetooth Sawfish
Pristis microdon
Common European Skate
Raja batis
Eaton's Skate
Bathyraja eitonii
Blue Ray
Neoraja caerulea
SanMarino 1966North Korea 1993Vietnam 1980Madagascar 1990
Atlantic Electric Ray
Torpedo nobiliana
Red Stingray
Dasyatis akajei
Honeycomb Stingray
Dasyatis uarnak
Phinobatos perceli
Australia 1985Uganda 1999Vietnam 1980
Crossback Stingaree
Urolophus cruciatus
Manta Ray
Manta birostris
Japanese Eagle Ray
Myliobatis tobijei

Bowmouth Guitarfish
Phina ancylostornc
Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray
Taeniura lymma
Spotted Eagle Ray
Aetobatus narinari
Spotted Eagle Ray
Aetobatus narinari

Manta Ray is large-sized Ei reaching 2ton in weight ,the body of which is about 7m width. The part of the pectoral projects at the both ends of the mouth and becomes a head fin of the form such as the ear. It is short thin when it compare the tail with the size of the body. The friend of many rays does bottom of the sea life and preys on the minimus of the bottom of the sea, but it filter plankton of the bait, and the friend of Myliobatididae eats while always swimming.

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