

English Conversation and Dieting―Unattainable Dreams


(The Journal of Engaged Pedagogy 関係性の教育学、第2巻1号2003年3月より)

世の中に流行りすたりは多々あれど、もう何十年も変わらず人気の衰えないものといえば、「英会話」と「ダイエット」。この二つは実はよく似ているということに、お気付きでしょうか? 私は「環境とフェミニズムの英会話寺子屋」という名前のとても小規模の英会話塾を運営して10年になります。名前からわかるとおり一般的な営利目的の塾ではなく、英語を通じて、環境・女性・社会のさまざまな問題に関心をもってもらう場所として、またそれらの問題を解決するために尽力している人たちが英語力を身につけ、世界会議等で積極的に発言するためのお手伝いをする場所として機能することを目的としています。この活動をする中で私は英語をしゃべることにまつわるさまざまな心理的問題に気付き、関心を持ちました。キーワードは権力構造とコンプレックスです。自由で対等なコミュニケーションのために、これらを意識しそして克服していきたいと思っているのです。








 英会話習得の道のりに関しても、ダイエットと相似点があります。きっとどこかに自分に合った効果的な学習方法があって、夢のようにみるみる上達してしゃべれるようになるのではないかと期待し、さまざまな方法を試す人がいます。聞き流すだけのテープ教材、英語の周波数に慣れて驚異的に聞き取れるようになるメソッド、はたまたオーソン・ウエールズか、やっぱりお茶の間留学か。こうくると、ダイエットと良く似ていますね。「今までのダイエット(英語学習法)は間違っていました! この方法があった!!」とか、「みるみるやせて夏までに魅力的なあなたに!」、「たった3ヶ月…気がついたら英語でしゃべっていました!」などという、広告がそっくりです。

 「英会話」も「ダイエット」も、ものすごい決意のもとに始められます。そしてその努力は、できれば人知れず行いたい、しかも短期間での効果を求めます。TOFUL や TOEIC などの英語検定を繰り返し受けて自分の力を判定したいという気持ちは、体重計に乗って一喜一憂する様に似ています。そして、多くの人が挫折を繰り返すということも似ています。いったいなぜでしょう。
 ダイエットに日夜がんばっている人たちは、やせてから何をするのでしょう。自分に自信がなくて人間関係にも自信が持てず、その理由を太っているせいにしてしまう人たち。モデルみたいにやせたら、みんなが一目置かずにはおれなくなって、そうしたら自分の望みがかなうと思わされています。誰に? そう思って欲しい人たちに。あなたにダイエット食品や、エステや、ダイエットグッズにお金を使ってもらいたい人たちに。

 英会話も同様で流暢にしゃべる事ができれば、まわりから一目置かれて自信につながる、ひいては人生が自信に満ちたものに変わると思わされてはいませんか? けれど一目置かれると思うその立場は実はとても不安定。なぜなら常に誰かと比べての位置だからです。ダイエットと同じように、みんながコンプレックスを持っているからこそ、過剰反応が生まれているのです。コンプレックスは、隠したい。出っぱっているお腹は、一生懸命ひっこめ、英会話はついつい解ったフリをしてしまったりします。コンプレックスを刺激するから、「英会話」と「ダイエット」はずっと、すたれないのです。


 学校教育の中でも、競争こそは生徒のやる気を出させる有効な手段だと思われています。そうでしょうか? 勝つ事はそんなに素晴らしい事でしょうか。勝つ人がいる時、常に負ける人がいます。「他の人に勝つのじゃない、自分自身に勝つのだ」などと言いますが、自分自身にだっていつまでも勝ち続けられません。ピークはやがて去りますが、勝つ事が大事な価値観である人は挫折感を味わうことになります。そして社会人になったら、その競争の評価はお金です。お金と権力を求めてまだまだ競争は続きます。一生続くのです。一生勝ち続けないまでも、負けてはならないという事です。なんと大変なことでしょう。





English Conversation and DietingUnattainable Dreams
Mikiko Ishihara
Translated by Barbara Summerhawk & Linda White
{The Journal of Engaged Pedagogy, Vol.e, No.1, March, 2003)

Do you realize that among all the fads and fashions in the world, two that have not lost any popularity over the past dozen or so years are "English conversation" and "dieting?" For the past ten years, I've been running a small school "Terakoya-English Conversation School for Discussing Women's and Environmental Issues." As you can see from the name it's no ordinary language school, but a place where we can discuss in English problems about the environment, women and a variety of social issues of concern to us.

Further, we have the objective of providing a space for people who are making an effort to solve these problems to improve their English skills, so they can actively participate in world policy debates. Through this experience I've developed some sensitivity about different kinds of psychological problems connected with speaking English. Two key ideas here are "the structure of power" and "the reality of English-language complexes." In order for us to be able to freely communicate, we need to be aware of and overcome these problems.

There are all different kinds of reasons for learning English: not wanting to be hampered when traveling abroad, needing English as the international language of business, wishing to make friends with people from all over the world, being successful on university entrance exams or in a job search, being cool, liking English, etc. Behind all these, however, I think that there is basically one real reason why people learn English - and that is to attain some power. English is chosen because it is the language of English-speaking countries, especially, the United States, who maintains a dominating position in the world in English. Things such as jobs that require English and international exchange are in the sphere of people with power.

There are people who say that studying English broadens our horizons. That's true. If we study other languages, our world widens. Learning another language is a magnificent endeavor. There's nothing special about English in this regard. It is not that there is some thing about English words, things or culture, but it's the fact that English-speaking countries are at the top of the power pyramid that makes English special. I'd like that understood.
There are people who say, "No, no, I'm not interested in power, I simply like English." While we feel "we like" something, we are very naturally attracted to power, and we want to get close to it. People who have power are seen as attractive. We shut our eyes to the shortcomings and troubling aspects of the people we like, and see them as great. That's the pull of the person with authority or power.

Using English is one symbol of power in the modern world. Being white is another. So white people who speak English appear attractive. Even though they may not have much status in their own countries vis-a-vis their backgrounds or appearance, in Japan they are winners and have immediate higher status just by virtue of the fact that they are English-speaking white people.
In fact, dieting is the same sort of thing. Blond hair and white skin are two standards of beauty that have been carved deeply into us. Western ideal standards are becoming the ideal standards for the world. It is a problem of what we find attractive. So we diet, use cosmetics to lighten our skin, dye our hair, and use mascara and other products to brighten our eyes. These are all manifestations of a desire to get close to people who have power. I think this process is born out of our deepest psychological need for self protection. It is the psychology of wanting peace of mind through being protected, as one is with people with power. No matter how close we get to power, we cannot reach it. As maddening as this may seem, our color is our identity. That is why we can never trade places with people who have power in the contemporary world by virtue of the fact that they are white, upper middle-class Americans. Thus, this is "an unattainable dream." No matter how much we wish to speak English like a native English speaker, or look like some white model, we never will.
White people of English-speaking countries appear to be rich. They are symbols of the existence of power, power that surely emanates from having money. In today's world, power boils down to money. It creates the false perception that if we have it we can do anything, even buy happiness. We have a myth that rich people are good people and poor people are criminals and gangsters. If we look at history, too, we may see that it's not a matter of "justice prevails" but "victor's justice." There's the constant farce that people in power are wiping out crime. We are exposed to this kind of story in news reports and see its ugliness, but we forget it because we aspire to become wealthy ourselves. Family name, status connected to prestigious education, cars, and clothing shape our impressions of whether someone is rich or not. This is especially true with white people from English-speaking countries who are the very symbols of power and authority. So drawn in are we by the signs of power that we may think we see wealth even when a person has nothing but debts.

"But it's better to have money than to have none. The more the better. Money gives us more choices. If we don't have money it's difficult to realize any dreams we may have. If only I could win the lottery," and on and on. Because we're controlled by money we tend to assume these things are true. Money is an apparition. It's the simplicity of the conservative who think that money can buy protection. It becomes more difficult to trust people. We lose our faith in people's ability unless they have money. We think people without money are losers, and that we can influence things by giving money. If we put value on being able to make our own living, we lose faith in our true selves, feeling frustration when we cannot earn money.
It can be said that even though we don't have any problems at the moment we never know when a problem will arise, so in order to prepare we need money. A fire, accident, illness, lay-off or unemployment all may happen at the same time. Perhaps, we can't ever feel we have enough savings. If we put money in the bank the bank may fail. If we sew money in the mattress it may be stolen. Inflation comes along and the exchange rate may go down. There could be a war. The sky could fall. There are no limits. No matter how much money we have, we will never be able to rid ourselves of these worries.

This is more a handicap caused by worship of money than an addiction. Right away, we hear, "without money how are you going to eat?" That's the same as saying "we need food to live." Just like food, we need money to live, but just like food, we need moderation. Eating disorders and being obsessed with money are things we don't need. We are losing our sense of just how much money is too much because we live in a society that determines people's value by how much money they earn. Women who internalize this message from society also know that if they are fat their lives are not valued and they lose any natural control of how much to eat, giving their undivided attention to losing weight. Whichever, wherever, we are being controlled by fear.

Learning English and dieting have many similarities. There are people who try all sorts of methods with expectations that they can improve their conversational ability to levels they've only dreamed of, going to where the methods of learning suits them. There's the method of only listening to a tape so many times that one finally becomes used to it and can catch everything. A famous language institute here in Japan uses the Orson Welles method of learning English while having some tea. These resemble dieting, don't they? "My old diet (English study) was a mistake!! There's this method..." "You can be as slim as you like and lovely by summer." "Speak English fluently in three months." The ads are just the same. Both English conversation and dieting start with the utmost resolution, the idea that without anyone knowing we will get great results in a short period of time. The feeling that we'd like to be able to evaluate our strengths by taking TOEFL or TOEIC time after time is just like weighing ourselves over and over. In both cases, people repeatedly find themselves frustrated.

Why is this all too common? What will the people who are dieting from morning to night do when they get thin? They are people who have no self-confidence, so they have no confidence in relationships with people eitherムthat's why they put on weight in the first place. They are made to think that if they become thin as models, all their wishes will be fulfilled. Whose wishes will be fulfilled? The people who want us to think all this will happenムpeople who want us to use our money on diet food make-up, and diet-related goods.
Likewise for English conversation. Don't people think that if they could become fluent they would gain self-confidence? But that kind of confidence of which we can only catch a glimpse in reality is unstable, because it puts us in a position where we compare ourselves to the norm.

Just like dieting, everyone has some kind of complex, and from that comes over-reactions. We want to hide our complexes. We struggle to pull in our stomachs and pretend to understand perfectly others' English. Because our complexes are stimulated, English conversation and dieting will be with us for a long time.
With all this, we can't really say English conversation and dieting are free choices. People respond to society's pressures. Societal oppression isn't limited to minorities. Contemporary society is extremely competitive and stress is an understandable reaction. Some people think that's a good thing. Winning is fine in a fair contest. But in reality a fair contest may be an illusion. Recall the judges at the Salt Lake City Olympics who were criticized for being partial, even though the Olympics have "fair" as their motto. In large organizations like the Olympics, dishonesty runs rampant. Of course people with power and money always win.

In school, competition is thought to be an effective method to develop student interest. Is this correct? Is winning so wonderful as all that? If there is a winner, there is a loser. It is said that the "victory is not over another, but oneself," but victory doesn't automatically lead to self-confidence. We soon pass our peak and people who only value winning become frustrated. Making money becomes the ultimate goal. Competing for money and power continues for life. Even though we may not win over the course of a lifetime, we mustn't lose. What a hard row to hoe.

In this competitive society, we all compare ourselves to each other and we all have complexes. This is absolutely ridiculous. Instead of dieting and trying to be expert English speakers to access mainstream power, we can change our values and develop a different kind of power. Of course we are working to change society, but in the meantime, we need to change our own values, too. Rather than competing with others, comparing ourselves to others, and always trying to save money, it would be great if we could spend our time supporting our friends, making new friends, and supporting each other's projects. We can live without joining the power structure. We can get rid of our complexes. Not tomorrow or the next day, but now. Let's live a good life, because the future is a continuation of "now."