
Welcome to P29VNX 2013 page

Updated on 2013/12/17

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Lissenung Island near Kavieng

Re-arranged plan

as of Nov 19, 2013

Callsign: P29VNX

QTH: Lissenung Island, Bismark Archipelago, Papua New Guinea  IOTA OC-008,

Schedule: 2013/12/1 – 12/6


Band: IOTA Freq on 30m – 10m   (QSY a little up or down when QRM appear)
Mode: CW/SSB  (only CW during the first half)

Transceiver: K2/100 100W

Antenna: 1/4 wave vertical (almost full-sized) with elevated radials for each Band.


QSL info: via JA1NLX  SASE ($2.00) or OQRS (Direct ($3.00) or Buro) @Do not send IRC.

Do not send your QSL via Buro. I am no longer member of JARL.. I will send you QSL via Buro from GlobalQSL only if you request OQRS Buro.


Others:@LoTW and Online Log will be available when I return home.

@@@@@@Daily topics may be uploaded on the following Blog page if internet is available in the island.



Log has been uploaded on LoTW.



Log will be uploaded on LoTW in a few days. I am waiting for P29VNX certificate from ARRL.



Some pictures has been uploaded here.



P29VNX finished.

All Log has been uploaded on OnLine Log and you can check your QSO. If you have any question then send me email.

Log will be uploaded later on LoTW  in a week or so.




More pictures and topics will be uploaded here laterc..



Final checking K2/100 and others.




Almost ready to go. K2/100 and coax cables has been in bag.  Others will be packed in suitcase.



Weather forecast in Kavieng looks good.




My plan is going on schedule. I will arrive at Lissenung Island in the evening on Dec 1 (Local time) and will be on 30m in the late evening only if I am not tired.

As you see propagation forecast the best time/Band will be at 21-22z on 15/12/10m for NA and in the late afternoon on 20/17/15/12/10m for EU.

I will look forward to finding you in pileups !


Please do not send me e-mail during my stay in Lissenung Island as good internet connectivity is not available.



Propagation forecast on December by VOACAP online.

TX: 100W/Dipole

RX: Dipole@@(more possibility with beam antenna !)


for NA/East


for NA/West




for EU/West


for EU/East




for JA



New AMP candidate for this trip.




Public release on my re-arranged plan.



My plan is going on schedule. It is impossible to connect internet in the island. All topics will be uploaded here when I return home.

Hope to meet you from Lissenung Island OC-008.



aki ja1nlx p29vnx



Testing Antenna

BuddiPole Long Whip, LowBand Coil and Arm



Where is Lissenung Island ?




Testing Transceiver etc


I have already had VISA. Everything is going on schedule.

I am testing all equipments.

TS480HX (200W), PowerMax 45NF (PS), KX3, HL100Bdx(100W AMP), SS30DV(PS), CWKeyer, SignaLink, MFJ945E and PicoPaddle. I am also testing HF Super PackerPro

V2 AMP.  PC/Logger32 for CAT and logging (not shown in this picture)

It has been too hot to test Antenna for a few weeks. We have around 34 degrees C almost everyday here in Tokyo.





Testing HFp-Vertical antenna


I will arrive at Lissenung Island in the evening. This may be temporal antenna in the first evening. It is very easy to assemble and duplicate good resonance characteristic.





More info


Online Log will be uploaded on ClubLog every day ONLY if stable internet connection is available. Otherwise Log will be uploaded when I am back home.

Log will be uploaded on LoTW when I am back home.


LoTW and Online Log will be available when I return home. 2013/8/25



Testing Transceiver and Antenna etc



Elecraft KX3 with 100W Amp (not shown in this picture), SignaLink, microHAM CWKeyer and SS-30DV Power supply.

Logger32 for CAT and Logging.




1/4 wave vertical with elevated radials for each Band. Base loading coil is used on 20/30m/40m.

In order to change Band 1) adjust vertical element length, 2) change radial set and adjust loading coil if needed.

Whip: BuddiPole Long Whip, Arm: BuddiPole ARM, Coil: BuddiPole LowBand Coil



License arrival


I finally received P29VNX license. It is valid until 2014/1/21.