Back from Canada, and - of course - now busy again with the printmaking work. But I'd like to keep this construction work proceeding too, bit by bit. Here's the next small step - attaching small curved pieces to the end of each of the roof pieces that have just been installed.

I'm thinking that once the insulation and vapor barrier are in place, I'll finish off the ceiling with a series of thin lath-type strips screwed in place, and I'd like those to curve round these joints instead of coming to an abrupt end.

How did I cut those pieces? With my little 'dendo itonoko' ... When we moved to Japan in the mid '80s, we were pretty tight for money, and I made lots of wooden toys as a kind of side business. There was no way I could afford to buy a 'real' jigsaw (tools were so expensive back then!), so I scavenged a motor from the scrap yard, and made one. Here's a little video of it in operation ...

Video of jigsaw in operation ...
(1 minute ... 7Mb)