50.323MHz for Intercontinental DX QSO
We will propose again an operational trial with 50.323 MHz dedicated frequency for intercontinental QSO in the multi-hop Es season of 2019.
The history of this proposal is here.
Last year 2018, because there was little QRM, I had the impression that QSO proceed smoothly.
We had only one default frequency for FT8 on 6m band 50.313MHz in 2018.
But with the new version of WSJT-X 2, 50.323MHz is included in the default frequency of WSJT-X. And as a result, there is a danger of being used for near field QSO without knowing the history of 50.323 MHz.
Please cooperate so that many people will know about this 50.323 MHz and use it only for intercontinental QSO. You can download this icon from here.
This icon was created by OE4VIE Jo. Thank you Jo.
Thank you for reading my poor English. I hope to see you on 6m band in this year 2019.
Best Regards
JP1LRT Yoshiharu Tsukuura