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01 February 2006
''Condoleezza Rice Completes Washington's Geostrategic Shift''

In quick succession on January 18 and 19, U.S. Secretary of 
State Condoleezza Rice announced major changes in the operational 
dimension of Washington's global diplomatic strategy.

Wrapped in the language of the Bush administration's campaign 
to encourage democracy around the world and explained under 
the rubric of "transformational diplomacy," Rice laid out plans 
to reposition diplomatic resources from Europe and Washington 
to emerging power centers in Asia, Africa, South America 
and the Middle East, and to reorganize the administration 
of foreign aid by creating the post of director of foreign assistance, 
whose occupant would coordinate aid programs that are currently 
dispersed among several agencies and bring them into line 
with Washington's broad foreign policy goals.

Rice's announcements culminate a major revision of Washington's 
overall geostrategy that has been in the making since 2004 
when the failures of the Iraq intervention exposed the limitations 
of U.S. military capabilities and threw into question the unilateralist 
doctrine outlined in the administration's 2002 National Security Strategy. 
Through the second half of 2004, Washington appeared to function 
in a policy void, as the neoconservative faction 
in the security establishment, which had already edged out 
the traditional multilateralists, lost influence and no competing tendency 
was strong enough to take its place. 
That picture changed in 2005 when Rice became secretary 
of state and moved to fill the policy vacuum by implementing 
her realist vision based on classical balance of power.

In her January 18 speech at Georgetown University, where she sketched out 
how U.S. diplomatic resources would be repositioned, 
Rice left behind the scenario of the neoconservatives and their allies 
in Vice President Dick Cheney's office that is premised on the ability 
of the U.S. to achieve sufficient military superiority to allow it 
to act alone to secure its global interests in the long term. 
Rather than thinking in terms of a unipolar configuration 
of world power dominated by the United States, Rice embraced multipolarity 
and the acknowledgment of Washington's limitations that follows from it.

Nearly echoing the analysis of Beijing's 2005 defense white paper, 
Rice asserted that "states are increasingly competing and cooperating 
in peace, not preparing for war." The complex web of convergent 
and divergent interests occurs within the context of a dispersion 
of power among regions -- the hallmark of multipolarity: 
"In the 21st century, geographic regions are growing ever more 
integrated economically, politically and culturally." Within regions, 
dominant power centers are rising: "In the 21st century, emerging nations 
like India and China and Brazil and Egypt and Indonesia 
and South Africa are increasingly shaping the course of history.
" The 21st century, in Rice's view, will not be a second 
"American century"; it will be a global century defined 
by what PINR has called "the new regionalism." 
[See: "The New Regionalism: Drifting Toward Multipolarity"]

The shift in Washington's geostrategic thinking from what it was 
from September 11, 2001 through the Iraq intervention in 2003 
could not be more pronounced. It proceeds from the time honored 
rule of international relations that policy follows power. 
Rice's analysis was preceded by a change in the Pentagon's perspective 
through 2005 in which military planners introduced the idea 
that Washington was entering a "long war" to secure its interests 
against Islamic revolutionaries and a long term attempt 
to contain rising regional power centers that would require partnerships 
and stabilization efforts around the world.

Rice's view is no longer one voice among several 
in the Bush administration; her growing prominence and influence represent 
an acceptance in Washington of the reality of multipolarity. 
This realization brings the United States into line with the consensus 
among other world powers and that is likely to persist 
in succeeding administrations.

Now that Washington has begun to accept a world in 
which the U.S. does not shape the course of history according 
to its own agenda, but is a major player in an intricate 
and evolving pattern of cooperative and competitive relations, 
it has positioned itself to develop strategies for restoring some 
of the influence that it has lost as a result of the Iraq intervention 
and, far more importantly, as a consequence of the redistribution 
of global power that was beyond its control. 
Such strategic innovation in response to polycentricity is 
behind Rice's State Department reforms.

Diplomatic Repositioning

Rice's Georgetown speech is a curious mixture of 
the Bush administration's current ideology -- advanced 
in the president's 2005 Inaugural Address -- that the U.S. would "seek 
and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions 
in every nation and culture," and a statement of concrete measures 
that would -- if they can be implemented successfully -- represent steps 
toward a realistic adaptation of U.S. diplomacy in a multipolar world.

Promotion of democracy abroad has been a recurrent theme of U.S. presidents 
for nearly a century and has always run up against the fact 
that Washington's perceived interests often require it to cooperate 
with non-democratic regimes and movements, and 
to undermine democratic tendencies. 
It is not to be expected that the Bush administration will close 
the familiar gap between rhetoric and practice; indeed, in her speech, 
Rice singled out for praise "good partners like Pakistan and Jordan,
" neither of which are democracies.

If the democracy language has any concrete import, it refers 
to the belief in sectors of Washington's security establishment 
that U.S. interests are best served by market-oriented governments 
that allow enough popular participation and sufficient independence 
of civil society groups to dissipate anti-U.S. left and right oppositions. 
As is the case with every state, the U.S. above all wants regimes 
that are favorable to its perceived interests. 
All other things being equal, Washington would prefer 
that those regimes follow democratic forms. When -- 
as in Georgia's Rose Revolution and Ukraine's Orange Revolution -- 
people-power combines with market-oriented and pro-Western leadership, 
Washington will back the democratic movement. 
Awareness of that has caused governments around the world 
to look on Washington with suspicion and to distance themselves from it.

The high concept of Rice's version of the democratization ideology is 
"transformational diplomacy," which she defines as "a diplomacy 
that not only reports about the world as it is, but seeks 
to change the world itself." Here, either Rice is only rephrasing 
what all states have always done, or she is announcing a policy 
of soft regime change to replace the hard version of military regime change 
represented by the Iraq intervention. 
If it is regime change that she has in mind, it is not clear 
that a public announcement of a policy to destabilize in order 
to try to gain greater stability serves Washington's interests. 

The significance of Rice's new diplomatic strategy does not reside 
in its ideological rhetoric, which can be pared away without loss, 
but in its concrete measures to reposition Washington's diplomatic resources 
that begin what is likely to be a long term trend in U.S. foreign policy 
regardless of which political party controls the presidency and 
what ideology it adopts.

Taking up the thinking of 2004 Democratic presidential candidate 
John Kerry's foreign policy and security team, Rice noted in her speech 
that in light of the probable peaceful future of relations among great powers, 
"the fundamental character of regimes now matters more than 
the international distribution of power." Among the threats to U.S. security, 
she identified terrorism, pandemics, arms proliferation and failed states, 
all of which can only be countered by cooperation with regional powers 
and access to trouble spots.

At the heart of Rice's plan to respond to the emerging threat pattern 
is the redistribution of U.S. diplomats to the rising power centers 
around the world, starting immediately with 100 and reaching, 
according to analysts, as many as one-third of the 4,000 foreign service officers 
during the next decade.

The mission of U.S. diplomacy will also be redefined through a series 
of measures ranged under the idea of "forward deployment," 
in which diplomats will go into the field and administer programs 
in addition to their traditional duties. 
Regional public diplomacy centers will be created 
to counter anti-U.S. media, American Presence Posts -- sometimes staffed 
by only one diplomat -- will be set up outside capital cities, 
and there will be Virtual Presence Posts -- local interactive websites -- 
to appeal primarily to youth. 
Diplomats will work directly on projects to improve health care, 
reform education, set up businesses, fight corruption 
and encourage democratic practices.

Diplomats will also coordinate more closely with the U.S. military 
through political advisors, and the State Department's Office of Reconstruction 
and Stabilization will have access to up to US$100 million 
from the Department of Defense to manage post-conflict situations -- 
recognition of the shortcomings in planning for the aftermath 
of the Iraq intervention.

Although Rice claims that her revision of U.S. diplomatic strategy 
is a "bold" initiative, it is actually only a first step 
toward making Washington a more effective player in a multipolar world, 
and it promises only limited success. 
Most importantly, in order to be successful, the reforms will have to be backed 
by adequate funds, which are unlikely to be made available 
under the conditions of persisting budget deficits. 

There are also questions about how security will be provided 
for the American Presence Posts, 
and the effectiveness of public diplomacy has yet to be proven in regions, 
such as the Middle East, where anti-U.S. sentiment has become deeply entrenched 
and is bound up with opposition to U.S. policies. 
Finally, it remains to be seen how much access regimes that are suspicious 
of Washington's aims will grant its diplomats.

Rice's reforms follow a pattern that has been established by the Pentagon 
in its redeployment of troops from Europe and South Korea to smaller bases 
within the "arc of instability" that stretches from East Africa through Central Asia. 
That policy has been limited by failures to gain access 
when Washington has provoked hostility from local regimes, 
such as Eritrea's and Uzbekistan's. The same problem is likely to come up 
when Rice's strategy is implemented.

When Rice's reforms are considered as a whole, 
their most significant components are her forthright acknowledgment 
that "partnership" is necessary in order to manage threats to U.S. security 
and the simple shifting of diplomats to emerging regional power centers. 
What those diplomats will do and how effective they will be will depend more 
on Washington's positions in inter- and intra-state conflicts than 
on the mechanics of forward deployment.

Centralization of Foreign Aid

Having laid out her revision of U.S. diplomatic strategy, 
Rice moved on January 19 to announce her reorganization of foreign assistance 
to the staff of the U.S. Agency for International Development (U.S.A.I.D.). 
Here, the heart of Rice's reform was the centralization of the administration 
of foreign aid, along the lines of the Bush administration's 2004 restructuring 
of the intelligence apparatus, aimed at coordinating assistance programs 
to serve the goals defined in her statement of diplomatic strategy.

In order to bring the various aid programs controlled by the State Department 
under unified guidance, a new post of Director of Foreign Assistance (D.F.A.) 
has been created whose occupant will superintend the Office 
of Global AIDS Coordinator, The Millennium Challenge Corporation 
and U.S.A.I.D. The D.F.A. will also be the U.S.A.I.D. Administrator, 
bringing that agency, which has previously been independent, 
under greater State Department direction.

Accounting for US$14 billion of the yearly US$18 billion U.S. 
foreign assistance budget, U.S.A.I.D. had been given its relative independence 
in order to ensure that it would pursue its mission 
of providing long-term development aid unfettered by temporary changes 
in foreign policy. Although Rice assured U.S.A.I.D.'s staff 
that its mission would be unimpaired by the reform, she also made it clear 
that foreign assistance would be "aligned" 
with the objectives of her transformational diplomacy.

There is little doubt that Rice does not intend the reorganization 
to be merely cosmetic and that she wants to diminish the power 
of U.S.A.I.D. to allocate funds -- the "dual-hatting" of D.F.A. 
and U.S.A.I.D. Administrator will not serve to bring all foreign assistance 
under the development agenda, but will gear development programs 
to serve strategic aims.

Rice's reform plan met with predictable criticism from elements inside 
and outside U.S.A.I.D. who believe that Washington's long term interests are 
best advanced by insulating development programs from political pressures. 
While that argument has merits, so does Rice's view that Washington needs 
to mobilize its diplomatic and financial resources to restore its global power -- 
a process that will demand genuine sacrifices.

As is the case with her plan to reposition diplomats, 
Rice's reorganization of foreign assistance has strict limitations. 
Outgoing U.S.A.I.D. Administrator Andrew Natsios has identified Congressional 
earmarking of aid as a greater problem than deficiencies in coordination, 
and earmarking will not be touched by Rice's reform. In addition, 
the State Department will not gain control over assistance programs 
that are currently dispersed among the Defense, 
Agriculture and Commerce departments. It is also likely 
that there will be resistances within U.S.A.I.D. 
to integrating its organizational culture into the State Department's. 
Again, Rice's reorganization is more a first step than a bold transformation.


Reflecting Washington's diminished position in the global configuration 
of power, Rice's revisions of U.S. diplomatic strategy and her reorganization 
of foreign assistance will have limited immediate effect and will be hindered 
from long-term success by constraints resulting from the likelihood 
of budgetary austerity. Nonetheless, Rice's reforms are significant 
because they are embraced by a multipolar perspective on world politics 
that brings Washington into line with the other major power centers. 
Her reforms put into place concrete measures that follow from that perspective, 
even though they are -- as should be expected -- just a beginning.

Rice has made it plain that the new diplomatic strategy is predicated 
on a sustained effort that will take at least a generation to bear fruit -- 
another long war as the one envisioned by Pentagon planners. 
That effort -- even if it were successful -- will not restore the U.S. 
to the dominating position that it held temporarily after the fall 
of the Soviet Union, but it might stem Washington's loss of power 
and even strengthen its position if it were deft at manipulating regional balances 
of power.

Within the context of the general consensus that world politics are structured 
by a complex web of competition and cooperation that is stressed 
by Islamic revolution, competition over natural resources, 
the eruption of populism, state failure, environmental degradation and 
the possibility of pandemics, other power centers will welcome Washington's 
acknowledgment of multipolarity at the same time that they will be challenged by it. 

Report Drafted By:
Dr. Michael A. Weinstein 
