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(共同通信) - 8月5日16時58分更新
Tectonic shift in foreign policy?
By Harlan Ullman
August 3, 2005

Are we seeing profound and even tectonic shifts in the Bush 
foreign policy? Or are these really tepid and modest steps 
by an administration convinced it is on the right track and 
thus needs no major course corrections? 
The latest U.S. policy toward India and Iraq suggests the former.
The tilt toward India was bold and welcome. Last month, 
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Bush agreed 
to Indian purchases of U.S. equipment for nuclear power plant construction 
and armaments, thus ending a long embargo. 
As the world's largest democracy with a population of about 1 billion, 
a huge Muslim contingent and a vast market for U.S. goods 
and services, this rapprochement makes sense. 

Given the improvement in Indian-Pakistani relations, 
the United States can now avoid the either-or condition of choosing 
between Islamabad and Delhi as a principal partner in South Asia.
Some argue that India is an ideal strategic U.S. counterweight to 
China ― a new version of Richard Nixon's triangular politics, 
in which Beijing became the means to leverage Moscow and the old Soviet Union. 
China surely will view the new U.S.-Indian relationship with a degree 
of suspicion and as a possible warning as it expands its economic muscle 
and presence with the bid for Unocal oil and its acquisition 
of British auto manufacturer MG Rover. 
So the risk is this new relationship turning China into a foe or competitor, 
either by miscalculation or design.
Last week in Baghdad, Gen. George Casey, the Army commander in Iraq, 
floated the prospect that if security does not worsen 
in that embattled land, the United States might withdraw some 
of its troops as early as next spring. 
With Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in attendance 
at the press briefing, Gen. Casey's admittedly caveated comments took 
on added weight. There are good reasons for such a withdrawal to cope 
with intense pressures in Iraq for an end to the occupation, 
rising concern at home over the insurgency and an Army under great stress 
to continue these difficult deployments because of personnel constraints. 
Thus, despite the president's promise to "stay the course" in Iraq, 
a potentially profound shift in American policy may be in the wind.
On the other hand, too much can be read into both of these cases. 
Normalizing or improving relations with India is sensible as long 
as we understand the implications for China. 
Whether or not the United States reduces its presence in Iraq will depend 
on many unpredictable and unforeseen events ― 
Iraq completing a constitution by Aug. 15, electing a new government 
in keeping with the ambitious schedule and, most importantly, 
the state of the insurgency.
But there are other tectonic prospects. For sometime there has been a drumbeat 
to deal with Syria. 
Many in the administration believe that the Iraqi insurgency has its roots 
in Syria. A military strike or even broader incursion into Syria 
to disrupt support of the insurgency and possibly to scare 
or even overthrow President Bashir Assad has been rumored for months. 
And Iran still heads the list of the Axis of Evil, 
all the while being too coy by half over its nuclear intentions. 
In this writer's view, the use of military force in either case would range 
from the foolish to the catastrophic. But, no doubt it would be tectonic.
If the administration is thinking about pursuing bolder 
and even sweeping policy changes, North Korea is a target of opportunity. 
The strategy here draws from World War II. Faced with a two-front war 
in the Atlantic and Pacific, the Allies elected to win first 
in Europe and to hold in the Pacific before turning our full might 
against Japan. While the global war on terror is now morphing into 
a war on extremism, the battlefield remains geographically huge 
if not global. Because we cannot fight on every front simultaneously, 
why not move to neutralize any challenges on the Korean peninsula 
through bold negotiation? There are signs or glimmers that North Korea's 
leader, Kim Jung Il, is clearly interested in bartering 
over his nuclear ambitions if only to gain access to economic 
and financial aid and support.
Here China is crucial. In private, Chinese leaders have been positive 
toward an arrangement in which Beijing would act discretely 
and powerfully to bring about the nuclear disarmament of the north. 
If that move proved successful, the quid pro quo would be a new understanding 
over Taiwan that would neuter the independence issue. 
The administration would declare that if China attacked Taiwan 
without provocation, America would still defend the island. 
But if Taiwan were to declare independence without cause, 
then "all bets would be off." If all of this could happen, 
and it may be a bridge too far, that would be truly tectonic.

Harlan Ullman is a columnist for The Washington Times.

By Harlan Ullman
August 3, 2005

Are we seeing profound and even tectonic shifts in the Bush 
foreign policy? Or are these really tepid and modest steps 
by an administration convinced it is on the right track 
and thus needs no major course corrections? 
The latest U.S. policy toward India and Iraq suggests the former.
The tilt toward India was bold and welcome. Last month, 
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Bush agreed 
to Indian purchases of U.S. equipment for nuclear power plant 
construction and armaments, thus ending a long embargo. 
As the world's largest democracy with a population of 
about 1 billion, a huge Muslim contingent and a vast market for U.S. goods 
and services, this rapprochement makes sense. 
Given the improvement in Indian-Pakistani relations, 
the United States can now avoid the either-or condition 
of choosing between Islamabad and Delhi as a principal partner 
in South Asia.
Some argue that India is an ideal strategic U.S. counterweight 
to China ― a new version of Richard Nixon's triangular politics, 
in which Beijing became the means to leverage Moscow 
and the old Soviet Union. 
China surely will view the new U.S.-Indian relationship 
with a degree of suspicion and as a possible warning 
as it expands its economic muscle and presence with the bid 
for Unocal oil and its acquisition of British auto manufacturer MG Rover. 
So the risk is this new relationship turning China into a foe 
or competitor, either by miscalculation or design.
Last week in Baghdad, Gen. George Casey, the Army commander 
in Iraq, floated the prospect that if security does not worsen 
in that embattled land, the United States might withdraw some 
of its troops as early as next spring. 
With Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in attendance 
at the press briefing, Gen. Casey's admittedly caveated comments took 
on added weight. There are good reasons for such a withdrawal 
to cope with intense pressures in Iraq for an end to the occupation,
 rising concern at home over the insurgency and an Army 
under great stress to continue these difficult deployments 
because of personnel constraints. Thus, despite the president's promise 
to "stay the course" in Iraq, a potentially profound shift 
in American policy may be in the wind.
On the other hand, too much can be read into both of these cases. 
Normalizing or improving relations with India is sensible as long 
as we understand the implications for China. 
Whether or not the United States reduces its presence 
in Iraq will depend on many unpredictable and unforeseen events ― 
Iraq completing a constitution by Aug. 15, electing a new government 
in keeping with the ambitious schedule and, most importantly, 
the state of the insurgency.
But there are other tectonic prospects. For sometime there has been a drumbeat 
to deal with Syria. Many in the administration believe 
that the Iraqi insurgency has its roots in Syria. 
A military strike or even broader incursion into Syria to disrupt 
support of the insurgency and possibly to scare or even overthrow 
President Bashir Assad has been rumored for months. 
And Iran still heads the list of the Axis of Evil, all the while 
being too coy by half over its nuclear intentions. In this writer's view,
 the use of military force in either case would range 
from the foolish to the catastrophic. But, no doubt it would be tectonic.
If the administration is thinking about pursuing bolder 
and even sweeping policy changes, North Korea is a target of opportunity. 
The strategy here draws from World War II. Faced with a two-front war 
in the Atlantic and Pacific, the Allies elected to win first 
in Europe and to hold in the Pacific before turning our full might 
against Japan. While the global war on terror is now morphing 
into a war on extremism, the battlefield remains geographically huge 
if not global. Because we cannot fight on every front simultaneously, 
why not move to neutralize any challenges on the Korean peninsula 
through bold negotiation? There are signs or glimmers 
that North Korea's leader, Kim Jung Il, is clearly interested 
in bartering over his nuclear ambitions if only to gain access 
to economic and financial aid and support.
Here China is crucial. In private, Chinese leaders have been positive 
toward an arrangement in which Beijing would act discretely 
and powerfully to bring about the nuclear disarmament of the north. 
If that move proved successful, the quid pro quo would be a new understanding 
over Taiwan that would neuter the independence issue. 
The administration would declare that if China attacked Taiwan 
without provocation, America would still defend the island. 
But if Taiwan were to declare independence without cause, 
then "all bets would be off." If all of this could happen, 
and it may be a bridge too far, that would be truly tectonic.

Harlan Ullman is a columnist for The Washington Times.
