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By James P. Tucker Jr.

ROTTACH-EGERN, Germany?European Bilderberg hunters have found
 the hiding place of this secretive cabal at a posh resort 
in this charming little city 40 miles from Munich. 
Their annual meeting is May 5-8.

Bilderberg is gathering at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt
, a five-star conference and business hotel with 188 luxury rooms. 
It is on a lake and near a golf course?typical Bilderberg requirements. 
High officials of the U.S. government and possibly 
a few congressional leaders will participate in three days 
of secret meetings to plan global policy. Heads of state and 
other high officials from Europe and Britain will participate, 
along with world financiers. 

David Rockefeller and his valet, Henry Kissinger, are longtime 
Bilderberg regulars. Donald Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, 
and associate editor Jimmy Lee Hoagland regularly attend, 
upon their promise to report nothing.

The New York Times, LA Times and all major networks?ABC, CBS 
and NBC?have participated. All participants are sworn to secrecy. 
Bilderberg denies its existence, and all the resorts at which they hold 
their meetings require their employees to lie and deny they are present.

Three times the Dorint told AFP they were fully booked?but that 
Bilderberg was not there. All but Bilderberg participants and 
their staffs, wives or, in some cases, someone else’s wife, 
will be required to leave. The hotel staff will be warned to 
reveal nothing of what they see and hear. 

Armed guards will patrol not only the main entrance but the perimeters.

Exposing Bilderberg meetings has provided advance warning?months 
ahead of the mainstream media?of U.S. wars, tax increases, 
and the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of Britain, 
among other exclusives.
Bilderberg's secret agenda 2005 
15Feb05 - by Marek Tysis - Bilderberg exclusive 

Part I: 2005 and the Brave New World of Bilderberg 
On the eve of a triumphant journey by Mr Bush to the soil of 
the old continent, preceeded by Mrs Condoleeza Rice’s trip, 
all indicators show that Europe's leaders are only pretending 
in their 'opposition' to the US. 

In Nice (South of France), Mr. Rumsfeld managed to persuade Europeans 
to train and finance thousands of new Iraqi police. 
NATO is now to redeploy in Afghanistan and help the US military rebuild 
this country. Saudi Arabia has seen its first local elections after 
the great success of the Iraqi ones. Ukraine was holding its own 
at the end of last year with the subversive help from some 
US CIA ‘s backed organizations. 

A so calling “best US informed man” and former Reagan’s aide named 
Jack Wheeler (see in worldnetdaily.com who I am referring to…) is 
seriously suggesting Mr G. W. Bush should receive the Nobel Peace Prize 
for his eminent role in establishing democracy in these countries. 

Meanwhile, Bush is referring to the courage and the writings 
of a former Russian resister, Natan Sharansky. However, 
Israeli Barry Chamish believes this cold war hero was 
in fact a KGB informer. So on this sinister stage where the blind follow 
the lies in a mirror, we may certainly fear the worst direction 
from these leaders. 

The Power of Democracy - a Quick Look 
The first thing to examine when they are speaking of democracy is 
to see which democracy they (the US administration) are wanting to install. 

In their mouths democracy is sounding as a real people’s 
democracy (no real intention from my part to write ‘popular’ 
democracy which is, as everybody knows, another body). 

In fact a quick examination of the guys they are following 
and helping is showing these guys are attracted by the European model 
or wanting to evade an external influence. 
This is really evident in the Ukrainian case, where Yutschenko 
(married to an American woman) is politically binded to Yulia Timochenko, 
an Ukrainian billionnaire, whose past was in business 
in Russian petroleum and gas. We have the oil and we have the democracy now. 
But is it really a democracy where the people in the street are having 
a word to say? Apparently yes, since the orange revolution, 
but we may not forget the river of money that flowed out of the pockets 
of Soros ‘s foundations as well as from American foundations 
(Freedom’s house directed by former CIA director Woosley, New Endowment 
for democracy known as a CIA relais since its implication 
in the Venezuelian coup d’etat. 

Up to now, the structure of Ukrainian power and democracy is based 
on some ploutocrat looking like a MAFIA mob. 
The difference with the former is that they are now a Western looking mob. 

The Georgian revolution funded by Soros ‘s organizations is 
in difficulties. Georgia is situated south of the Caspian Sea 
and Putin is showing no sign of abandon in Chetchenia 
at the opposite (see his declarations in Autschwitz against 
terrorism mimicing the US). First minister of Georgia recently died 
of Carbon Dioxide poisoning when sleeping and he was the right arm 
of the president of this country. Russians have no intentions 
of moving from their Georgian base as well from Sebastopol, 
in Ukrainian Crimea where the Russian South See Navy stands. 

Naturally, The Caucases are known to have a lot of oil. 

Democracy in Iraq is going to lead this country (containing petroleum) 
to have a Shia governement .Violence is not to ease soon. Difference 
between Iraq and Georgia has to be found in the localization: 
Iraq doesn't belong to the Caucase basin but to the Great MiddleEast
 where democracy (democracy is liking oil as you noticed it immediately 
at the first glance). 

Great Middle East , as well Saudi Arabia where the first local elections 
were held ( in absence of women…not invited to vote). 

Next surprise will come out in Lebanon where the UN asked Syria to leave 
the country. Jumblatt and Aoun in next polling will make the difference, 
thanks to America. Naturally , Syria is threathened regularly 
of American intervention. And assassinations will happen. 

Israel is a big part of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) plan: 
two countries side by side and the entrance of the two countries 
in the European union once peace is acquired. 

So we may discriminate two policies having the same oil control target. 

1.Eurasia policy for the north of Europe (following Brzezinsky theories) 2.
Great Middle east policy for the South of Europe. 

We move to the Bilderberg 2005 agenda 
These policies will be again on the table at next Bilderberg meeting 
for sure. Europe is in competition about commerce in the Maghreb (Tunisia, 
Marocco, Lybia. Egypt is fully in the hands of the US interests 
As well as Jordania and..Israel.) 

Now, a more difficult task is awaiting Europeans about competitiveness 
and the Lisbon agenda. In fact, the entrance of low level cost price countries 
in 2004 in Europe will displace the benefit of European aid policies 
towards the East, leading to more economic difficulties in the south 
(France, Germany, benelux, Italy etc.). 

NATO and the European Constitution 
The constitution of Europe to be voted this year in Europe 
and next year in England is having in its chapter III, a whole commerce code 
meaning an end of European Social security with Frits Bolkenstein’s 
directive fleshed out by the text. 

This constitution is authorizing legally the NATO to be 
the only official frame of European’s future defense forces. 
(First part of the text). In one sentence, Europe’s future is 
definitively cemented in the wedding with the American direction. 

This is to be voted “democrately”, but with the respective 
governments hiding these important facts. 

As a matter of confirmation of the influence of NATO upon Europe, 
last December was the inclusion of Turkey inside Europe imposed 
by America and decided by Europe. This shameful decision was pushed 
by the commissioner to “broadening” of Europe, Mr Gunther Verheugen, 
member of Bilderberg. A contact inside the IFRI told me this was requested 
with force by the USA above all protestations possible. 

Where is the “democracy” in all this? 

In next article we will have a deeper look upon the Iranian question, 
the consequences of Turkey entrance, Eurasia, China and the weapon debate, 
Money and the real plutocratic democracy role in a next future. 
