Since 1996

Well come to my gallery. I am a Japanese astrophotographer. Although my observatory is located in downtown Tokyo, I was able to capture deep sky images thanks to the great dynamic range of my 16-bit CCD camera and new image processing technology. Since 1990, most of these photos have been published in various astronomy magazines. These works were mainly taken using a 31cm (12 inch) Newtonian at home, but some were taken with a 20cm telescope (C8) carried to Australia and New Zealand.
Nowadays, times have changed, and it is now possible to take pictures using telescopes located overseas using remote control. I started remote astronomical photography in 2023, so I decided to completely revise this page and mainly introduce images taken remotely.
Unauthorized reproduction or reuse of images and content on this site is prohibited.

My Profile

New: July 12, 2024
NGC6769~6771, NGC4038(renewed), ESO138-IG29&30

Deep Sky Objects
Taken by remotely controlling telescopes in Australia, etc., since 2023)

Images taken in Tokyo previously

Images of the MARS in 2003 (taken in Tokyo)
Image of MARS in 2005 (taken in Tokyo)

Example DSO images taken previously in Tokyo

My Profile