Beam us home
Cause we don't know the way

Beam us home
Though we have no home

Crawling in the deep space
of disease that haunts me
Ether of regrets sticks to me
Six-piece jigsaw puzzle
of a three-legged raven

An astronaut I was
Why did I stop to 'seek'?
A gastronaut I am
My organ never again I will take back

This medicine
this is my talisman
My dear placebo
made with vacuum energy
A knot of my guts
links quantum and gravity

Crazy I used to be
The red suns sinking down
toward the event horizon
Lazy I would be
Changing into a blob
that crashes down your ordinary days

Beam us home
Though we may not ask for
the double helix realignment

Beam Me Home
I Lived, I Lived, I Was Here.

to James (Alice) Tiptree Jr.