
St.Valentine's Day in Japan


Chocolate Card

On St.Valentine's day, Japanese women present chocolates to men...which has been a social custom for 30 more years. Sometimes it makes heart warming stories... sometimes not. Many women do so because it's a must custom.
It doesn't have to be that way, we think. They don't have to be chocolates, it does not have to be from women to men. We suggest St.Valentine's day be the day to express our hearts to anyone we care.

This year, we sell our original Valentine Cards. The profits will be donated to an Indonesian NGO "Bina Swadaya".

Our Valentine Campaign

This is our fifth year of our Valentine Campaign.
In 1992, we made a campaign with a phrase "No more GIRI-choco (obligational gift chocolate), international donation instead". It received surprisingly strong response and was reported widely on mass media.
The next year, we started to produce our own original valentine cards. Since then, we earn more than one million yen each year and have donated them to partner NGOs in the Philippines, India, Indonesia and Thailand.
Last year, our donation went to the Center of Concern for Child Labor in Bombay, India, which has been working over mainly child labor issue, and ARADO in Negros, Philippines, which deals with agriculture and environmental issue.

This year, our partner will be Bina Swadaya in Indonesia, which has been working to help poor farmers and fishers, low income urban people since 1967.

Details about our statement (in Japanese) PEOPLE 2[1-15-96]

Mass Media Coverage

Mainichi ClipAsahi Clip

This year, our campaign has already been reported in Asahi Shimbun Jan 31(Yokohama Page),Mainichi Shimbun on Jan 20(Kanagawa Page), Yomiuri Shimbun Jan 25 (Kanagawa Page), Sankei Shimbun, The Cable TV Fujisawa Jan 26 and others.
Also we'll be reported in on about Feb 2, NHK TV News about Feb 10 (Tokyo Local News on 6 o'clock.)

Valentine Cards

SET A : Valentine Chocolate Design (above right)
Drawn specially by Sato Masamichi(One Design 4 cards)

Set B : Assorted design cards by digital photographer Shimizu Akira
and Philippine artists (4 cards in a set - Sorry, you cannot select cards)

Each set priced 1,000 Yen (4 cards in each set)
Postage 100yen for each set, free for more than 10sets order



TEL 045-772-8363 (12:00-18:00 except on Sundays)
FAX 045-774-8075

Let us know your address, name, your telephone number, how many and which set(s) you want.
Bill will be sent to you with the cards. Payment will be done in postal office.

What do you think of St.Valentine's day?
Give us your message.
Your message will be on this page.