
Mt. Hinokibora-maru

Wakwak climbing club attacked Mt. Hinokibora-maru (1,601meters). They gathered at Shinmatsuda of Odakyu line at 8:13.

Pink Route

They used taxi to Nishitanzawa and started climbing at 9:00. Took lunch at 12:00, arrived at the summit at 14:00 and returned to Hokizawa mountain cottage at 18:00. It was second Tanzawa climbing for Mr. Greenwood.

Colonies of Baikeiso near summit of  Mt. Hinokibora-maru

Mt. Hinokibora-maru is covered with beech trees. Mitsubatutuji (azalea) were full broom. Various birds such as bush warbler,   dusky thrush, Japanese green pigeon, robin and  varied tit were singing.

summit.jpg (19212)

wak wak walking group at the summit of Mt. Hinokibora-maru

May 4th, 2000

Rev. Feburuary 1, 2006

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