
North-Fuji Maneuvers Field

Wakwak climbing club had made a hiking in North-Fuji Maneuvers Field to collect edible wild plants. You have to pay admission fee at the entrance.

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collecting edible wild plants

You can find udo, a mountain plant that produces fat, white and edible stalks, wild grapevine, mugwort , taranome etc.

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Shin-Gogoume of Omote-Fuji

After wild plant collection, they visited Shin-Gogoume of Omote-Fuji by car. It was very cold and windy there.

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BOAC accident memorial site

On the return trip, they stopped at BOAC accident site where 124 people died about 35 years ago. Their craft fell apart in flight by strong turbulence caused by Mt. Fuji.


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