
Mt. Nyugasa, Mt. Takabocchi, Mt. Hachifuse

Walking in the Rain

Wakwak climbing club enjoyed walking around Mt. Nyugasa (1,955m), Mt. Takabocchi and Mt. Hachifuse (1929m) in June 25 to 26, 2003. To minimize walking in the rain, climbing by car was planned. Those 3 mountains have access road up to the summit.

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at the summit of the Mt. Nyugasa (photo by Mr. Kondoh)

They enjoyed an birds eye view of Yatsugatake mountain range and Mt. Fuji. The summit was covered by many mountain flowers such as azalea and a lily of the valley.

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birds eye view of Yatsugatake mountain range

Then they moved to Mt. Takabocchi by car and visited Mt. Takabocchi. From the summit they saw Lake Suwa and Mt. Nyugasa beyond.

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Lake Suwa from the summit of Mt. Takabocchi

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Mt. Hachifuse from the summit of Mt. Takabocchi

They stayed overnight in a hut near Mt. Takabocchi. Early next morning they moved to Mt. Hachifuse and Mt. Maehachifuse

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Mt. Hachifuse

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Mt. Maehachifuse

After that, they relaxed in a hotspring of Lake Suwa and returned home.

June 28, 2003

Rev. August 27, 2003

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